Friday, April 11, 2008

GUEST EDITOR'S PICKS: April 11, 2008

Hi, I'm Dan, better known as Slapinions in these parts, and I'm thrilled to have been chosen as AOL Guest Editor.


For those of you who haven't stopped by my site before, I'm a married father of four (three girls/one boy, all age six and under). A comprehensive summary of yours truly can be found here so I'm not going to bore you with all the details.


But if you're interested, here's a brief glimpse into the inner workings of Slapinons mind :)


I still mourn the passing of Chi-Chi's and their Twice Grilled Barbeque Burrito.


I like Alanis Morissette, was once famed for doing a nightly Backstreet Boys dance in front of the security cameras at work, and collect New Kids on the Block merchandise . . yet look with manly scorn upon anyone who listens to Nickelback.


I think a Yankees captain/shortstop who refuses to move positions when his team picks up possibly the *best* shortstop EVER is no captain at all.


Dada had only the briefest of moments in the sun, but as college radio hits go, Dizz Knee Land  is a pleasant legacy to leave behind.





I’ve sat on two different committees for two different elementary schools, and the complaints from the neighbors are always the same. Note to all: if you don’t like children, detest the sounds of playground chatter, and object to traffic on your street for a half-hour around 8 am and 3 pm, then why go and buy a house across the street from a school?


And I've said it before, and I'll say it again: human teeth are the only flaw in God's grand design. They hurt when they come in, they hurt when they go out, and they hurt far too often in between.


So on to business. I'm going to make a serious effort to feature some obscure, under-appreciated, or new journals. If you aren’t on the list but have seen me on your site please don’t feel slighted. By the rules of this thing I can’t list everyone, and maybe you had one too many comments and I figured you were doing fine without the boost. Or, you know, maybe I just forgot about you. :)


Jfourbs On the Outside is a nice, happy place that largely centers on her family and their kittens.  Recently however, her college-age neighbor violently killed himself, and they’re dealing with that. This journal is vastly under-visited.  See if you can change that.


Recently retired, rjsisti’s Roses are Read caught my eye when I saw it on the ‘recently updated’ list of AOL Journal’s homepage.It was a brand new journal at the time and I tried to help her out with adding music to her page, without much luck. Swing on by, say hello, and maybe lend her a hand.


Skip3366 is a proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, and he posts frequently to his The Maverick Conservative journal. A bit too far right even for me, but often an intriguing read, I figured this list needed a wildcard. I’m sure he’ll enjoy filling the bill.


I was surfing through  JLand when I found this next one. I like birds, so some of the photos of our feathered friends caught my eye. Check out Nature Walks and Thoughts.


This next journal has been around for more than four years, which beats mine by seven months. What originally caught my eye was this bit of wisdom: Eat well, stay fit, die anyway. Check out Whispers in the Wind.


Last but not least, the male half of a journaling duo here in Jland: kindly stop by and visit Bucko.


Thats it for this week. I hope you have the opportunity to stop by and say hello to all the journals listed above (and mine too!).


Have a great week.


Dan aka Slapinions



Ps. I haven’t forgotten about getting a save/print option for our journals. Anything new on that AOL?


Anonymous said...

Great entry Dan.  I am off to visit some of your journal suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions on being Guest Editor I've only read one of these and have visited the rest , great choices.


Anonymous said...

Great Journal!  Congrats!

I surely was quite surprised to see my name as one of your picks.  Thank you.  I recall you were the very first person to leave a "Comment" on my very first Journal.  I remember calling my daughter and telling her that total strangers are emailing me!  She laughed and reminded me that my Journals are public.  At first I felt uncomfortable about it but now I realize I have just made so many new faceless computer friends through my Journal.

Thank you for your kindness and welcoming me aboard.


Anonymous said...

  I loved Chi-Chi's! Double steak Chahitas here, with deep fried ice cream for dessert. Also, I listen to Nickelback. Ooh, conundrum...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being guest editor.  Going to now to check out your picks.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation's on being chosen as Guest Editor Dan. I popped round and said hello. They were all brand new to me. Love Pam xx

Anonymous said...

Can't...  Stand...  Nickelback!

Aside from that, I've plowed down many a margarita at the Chi-Chi's on 76th.  And, when money started to get tight, we'd ramble our shambles over to Ray and Dot's for thirty-five cent tappers and fifty-cent shots.  

That's the thing that always bothered me about Chi-Chi's.  Why, since it was owned by Max McGee, was the booze was so bloody expensive?  That sort of thing was decidedly "anti-Max."

Ah well...  Looking forward to reading the picks.  

-Bizarro Dan

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being guest editor Dan :o)


Anonymous said...

Okay I've gone and checked out many different blogs today and mine looks down right boring. I need to know how to add pictures and such... can anyone HELP?!?

Anonymous said...

Hi ladybruin28,

If you look at the module on the right column called "Favorite Sites" it has a lot of links for doing some of the things you are looking to do.


Anonymous said...

I just visited all of these blogs and left comments.  Thanks, Dan, for highlighting them.  And congrats on being Guest Editor!

Vish, thanks for giving us this avenue, (by reinstituting Guest Editor's Picks), to find new blogs as well as to visit some that have been around longer.  By allowing blogs to be highlighted as Guest Editor's Picks, you afford us the great opportunity of finding interesting and entertaining blogs.  Thank you that you reinstituted Guest Editor's Picks recently.  Without it I wouldn't have found some of the blogs I now read.

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so it is me again!  I wanted to make a comment that I agree with Dan on wanting the save/print option for our AOL blogs (as I stated) when I signed his petition in his blog.  Like Dan, I am still asking AOL to consider giving us this.  And if there is a way to do this (save on disk/or print a hard copy of our blogs) that already exists, and we are not aware of it, could somebody with AOL with expertise in this matter please inform us on how to do this?  Thanks in advance!

Oh, and one more thing!  Thanks, Magic Smoke, for becoming more interactive with the AOL community.  And thanks for all the interesting entries you are providing.  Magic Smoke has become a very interesting, exciting, and entertaining place to be!

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

Dan, I totally agree, BSB and Nickelback are very different, but have to admit that I favor the Nickelback side of the equation :o)  I am flattered to have been picked, a humble Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Will have to check these out.

Anonymous said...

these are great; I don't know a single one of these; off to check them out



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great picks, Dn ... entertaining and varied