Thursday, April 17, 2008

Challenge Yourself Challenge!

I am very excited  as I am starting a new challenge here today!

Thursday is now officially "Challenge Yourself Challenge!" Day.  Each week I will present a challenge that you can challenge yourself with.  The only judge is YOU.  You decide if you want to participate, and you decide if you have lived up to the challenge.  You also decide if you won!  And if you did, I hope you will share it with us.  Sharing keeps you accountable!

Here is how it will work.  Each week I will present a new challenge.  If you decide to participate, snag the tag below and add it to your sidebar.  Then post a comment below and state your intent to participate.  Include a link to your journal below. Then in your journal write about your commitment and the journey you follow in its pursuit.

If you feel you have succeeded then e-mail me or post a comment below or at Inspirations and I will highlight your success in the next posting of the "Challenge Yourself Challenge".

Before I state this weeks challenge I would first like to thank Donna over at "This and that and hockey!" for creating this sidebar tag for me.


Now for the challenge!  The last two weeks over at Inspiration we have been talking about that voice in side your head that convinces you that you can't succeed.  This week I asked my readers to spend two days and write down all of the negative things that their Gremlin said to them.  Now that you have a list, pick the top five things that your Gremlin says and re-write them.  Use your own words, and imagination as to what you would say to it.

Here are some of mine:

Gremlin: "You're Fat"

Me:         "Yeah, well you're ugly and I can loose weight!"


Gremlin:  "You're Ugly"

Me:         "I'm only ugly when YOU show up, Your Ugly inside and out always!"


Gremlin:   "You're a loser"

Me:          "No, I'm not.  You just know that when I succeed you will die."


Gremlin:   "You have no willpower"

Me:          "Maybe not, but I do have a plan, and that's more powerful then willpower!"

I think you get the picture.  And speaking of pictures....

I would also like you to draw your Gremlin.  I do not challenge anyone to try anything that I have not done or tried myself so, I will share my Gremlin with you.  If you would like to share your Gremlin with everyone else and have it posted please e-mail it to me as a .jpg file.  Only you know what your Gremlin looks like.  You don't have to be an artist!

And here she is:



So the recap is:

Snag the tag and add it to your page.

Challenge yourself!  Correct five of the negative statements that your Gremlin says to you and draw a picture of him, her or it! I look forward to seeing your pictures!

If you haven't been following the entries just stop by Inspiration and catch up.  It shouldn't take long. 

Enjoy and I wish you much success!

 If you would like even more information on this topic you can check out:

 Taming Your Gremlin


Anonymous said... offense but I don't want to add your gremlin to my side bar, it's not very pretty :) HA HA HA HA...however I will take up the challenge and draw a picture of my gremlin

Love ya

Anonymous said...

interesting gremlin, Rosemary; I like these challenges; will probably do them after we move


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun :) -Missy

Anonymous said...

I took the plunge and accpeted this challenge!  - Barbara

Anonymous said...

ok i am going to try, not promising to keep up though, one thing my gremlin says "not organised...." I do try!! take care mrs t xx