Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This Is Not a Blog. Oh, Wait, Yes It Is.

Hi folks -- check out this article (link via digg) called "Stop calling everything blogs!"

I will agree with the subject of the article, though its substance... frankly, while the misuse of the term "blog" has been a pet peeve of mine for a while, I don't think I'm as angry about it as the author. Also, his argument... well, it's just not very good.

I'm also not going to get into a whole long boring and pedantic discussion about what makes a blog. It's just as well, since in recent years, a lot of what used to be regular Web sites have added features that make them look and act a lot more like blogs, even if they're technically not.

At its most basic, a blog is just a type of Web page where the new stuff gets published to the top. That's pretty much it.

You've heard me say before that I think blogs that don't accept comments aren't really blogs, that they're just kind of "bloggy" -- there are a few other features you expect from blogs, so the bloggiest of blogs have archives, accept comments, link off to other blogs and have feeds that readers can subscribe to, etc.

Everything else about a blog is fair game -- what it looks like, how frequently it updates, what it writes about, how many people contribute to it.

You can have spam blogs, group blogs, shill blogs, cat blogs, porn blogs, good blogs and bad blogs. (And oh yes, there are plenty of bad blogs. "Bad," though, is a personal judgment -- the only judgment that matters is your own.)

Like I said, when you start adding bloggy features to Web pages (comments, feeds) and Web page features to blogs (multimedia, galleries), you get an overused buzzword: "Convergence."

Which means you don't care (and it really doesn't matter) what it is, just how people use it.

That's probably the most important defining characteristic of blogs right now: How you use them.

Anyway, there's a list of blog norms and "best practices" that's as long as your arm (be transparent and responsive, give credit, etc.) and will change depending on whose arm it is, so that's all I'll say about it...

...except it still bugs me how MySpace misuses the term "blogs" -- what we would call a blog entry, MySpace users call a blog: "Check out my latest blog." Ugh. Drives me nuts. (Arrrr.)

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

This is a blog! And A darn good one at that!

Anonymous said...

What I really don't like are the people who call the AOL message boards "blogs."  

Gaaagh!  That drives me nuts!  I actually saw the following exchange not too long ago:

An anonymous person posted a message on one of the political message boards.  Then, someone responded by saying "I am leaving you a blog in response to the blog you previously posted on this blog."  

That whole exchange made me want to rip out my eyes and smash them with a hammer.  It was madness, Joe.  Complete madness.


Anonymous said...

It's simply mindbloggling...

I've seen comments referred to as blogs.  But, then again, what do I know about blogging?

Great to see you back blogging here, if that's what you call it.

Anonymous said...

Why does AOL call this a journal in the US and a blog in the UK? Helen

Anonymous said...

Yeah...  Why is it called a Journal here in the States but called a blog overseas?  That's always puzzled me.  

-Dan again

Anonymous said...

Great article. Yes, the author is spewing out blog atrocities big time,lol....I disagreed with his opinionabout making a living from a blog, not being a blog. So many blogs profit from ads that by his definition, the author just threw them to the gutter.  If the noble qwest gets perks from no profit margins, then right on. But, that doesnt take away from content or maybe creating a living to do even more venting,lol. Big RIGHT ON! lol. ~Raven

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe,  I wanted to add something, I tend to get teased with the "journal" notation from AOL blogs at other news sites or boards. Not that I care, but for some reason journal identity doesnt get taken seriously by some. I am sure if AOL changed it to - would get some respect. ~Raven

Anonymous said...

FILE MANAGER is not working - again.  When I type in the Keyword File Manager it just takes me to the web for a web search.  When is this problem going to be fixed please?  It has been weeks now.  First we could not get in because we kept getting "Gateway Error" now it just takes me to the web.  I cannot access anything I have stored on there.

Anonymous said...

Hi -- I'll have to check on the status of the keyword. In the meantime, you should be able to access File Manager directly:
UK users:
US users:

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

way too much time on your hands

Anonymous said...

Brat78818201 -- since this is my job, I would have to disagree with your assessment. -- Joe

Anonymous said...

Being an OLD guy, I like Journal, that is what I consider mine.  Just too old to use the term BLOG  I was in on the ENIAC computer era.  Was a repairman on the ANFST2.  Still love these little things.  But buzz words, seems too, I don't know, the military likes to call them pnemomics I think.  still buzz words for buzz words sake.  But I guess for you young folk, BLOG is okay. (I still prefer journal) HA!
You just keep on Blogging, it's okay, cool I guess.