Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Links I Didn't Get To Today

Hi folks -- been working on other stuff, so just a quick entry on a few interesting links from today, before they go stale:

* News.com has a gallery of pictures that lie -- photos from the media and other sources that were altered (digitally or otherwise) to tell a story that was something other than the full truth.

* The success of video sharing site YouTube (which I note was down for most of the morning and afternoon) has people re-evaluating Current TV (at least, according this story) -- Current TV is VP Al Gore's cable network/Web site that features user-generated content.

(link via Obscurestore.com, which went over to blog format a few months back -- I also note that after an earlier experiment with open commenting that proprietor Jim Romenesko pulled pretty quickly, it's now taking comments -- quietly, and without fanfare.)

* 18 Ways to Stay Focused at Work -- title pretty much says it all.

* Interactive Geography Test: This is a grade three geography test -- can you place the lower 48 states on the map within the time limit? I scored 48 out of 48, though I have to admit, I had to use the process of elimination for some of the square states. Also for Vermont and New Hampshire. And I still mix up Wisconsin and Minnesota. Good thing they don't penalize you for incorrect answers.

Try it and report back how you do.

Those last two links via Digg.

More substantive stuff tomorrow.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Those were great! I sent the map one to my sister who is a 3rd grade teacher! Love the Gallery of pictures! Found one on obscure on casual dress which was really interesting for my students!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe:  Do they know how many hours you're logging?

