Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Discriminating Camera Buffs Choose...

Hi folks -- here's a quick entry to complement this week's Photo Shoot (My Camera & Me); the Yahoo Shopping Blog has a list of the Top 10 Cameras on Flickr (the social photo sharing site, which Yahoo just happens to own).

You can see the full list of the top 100 cameras here (by model and manufacturer).

[Link via digg -- the digg item points to an intermediary site.]

It's pretty interesting, and a lot different than what I would have imagined. For starters, the list is really top-heavy with more-expensive digital SLRs (big honkin' things that have interchangeable lenses).

I would have expected to see more inexpensive compact point-and-shoot cameras. As some commenters speculate, though, without numbers, it's hard to say what's really going on. With compact cameras, they put out new model numbers every year (or more frequently), so it could spread out the field. Or, some photo editing programs may strip out the camera data. 

Then again it could be that people who buy SLR digital cameras are real serious amateur photographers; the people who are hardcore flickr users, who flock there to commune with other photographers, and to get exposure for their photos.

You know, attention whores.

(Pre-emptive apology: No, I'm not calling all flickr users, or people with digital SLRs attention whores. I guess I just have camera envy.)

Anyway, for those folks who aren't flickr users, the AOL Pictures folks have a social photo site currently in beta; I'm pretty far behind in my list of topics, so I haven't given them a full writeup yet, but if you want to play around, check out the AOL Pictures Beta.

Thanks -- Joe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool! There's a Public Gallery on the Beta site:) Being an "attention hore" myself,ROFL, I of course uploaded some pics!

And I hate to tell ya...all those pics were taken with disposable cameras!!



(See,there's the attention thing again, posted TWO links,LOL.)