Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Let's See Your Simpsons Avatar

Hi folks -- as far as I can estimate, this is going to be the last unsolicited, unpaid, not deal-related, viral-marketing summer movie tie-in entry I'm going to do:

As I mentioned earlier in the month, here's another Simpsons-movie item, featuring the Simpsons Avatar creator (which lets you construct an avatar graphic in the style of a Simpsons character -- it uses Flash, and you may need to adjust your popup blocker settings). After a little fiddling, here's what I came up with for myself:

A few notes:

* In the Simpsons-color palette, white people are yellow, and yel... Asian people are white. That's just the way it is.

* The hair is a little long compared to my current cut. Also, as far as I can tell, it's bully Nelson Muntz's hair, which amuses me.

* I also don't think I picked the best nose and mouth style for me, but what are you going to do?

I've been seeing a lot of these in various profile pics and blog entries, so the word is getting out. If you blog your own Simpsons avatar, leave a comment with a link to your entry so we can see.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

LOL, I'll have to take a look. Hey, Joe, are the News Beta guys aware of how bad a product they're offering over there? The pages don't load (Bad Gateway 504 errors) and the comment function is as unreliable as any I've ever seen.

On the other hand, Journals have been pretty great!

Anonymous said...

Jimmy -- the publishing platform that News uses (along with most of the rest of the AOL service -- it's called Big Bowl) has been having intermittent tech problems this week. Don't know if was caused by the News launch, or if it's something else. I think they have a handle on the problem now, so if you're still having problems, you might want to send them feedback.

Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...

I hope that you take my comments in the spirit with which they're intended. Sometimes I come off grouchy and smart-assy, but I'd like to think that feedback over at sites like that is appreciated. Sometimes a heads up helps me out with my publishing (I have sites outside AOL and I help people with their own projects)

How do you give feedback to the news guys? I tried an email address but that mailbox is often full, plus they delete emails without reading them. Is there a link or email address for the tech guys on the news team?

Anonymous said...

Just had to do it, and it looks so much like me!  LOL!