Friday, July 6, 2007

7/7/07 and Live Earth DC

Hi folks -- so, tomorrow being the seventh day of the seventh month of the year 2007, the calendar date is 7/7/07 (or if you use European date formats, 7/7/07), which is apparently a big deal for some people.

In other news, it turns out that DC isn't being left out of the Live Earth concert lineup, after all. Since I don't watch the CBS Early Show, I caught this item on the BBC News site -- the Washington Post has more details: Live Earth DC is going to be a relatively small event at the National Museum of the American Indian (with big screens set up across the street) -- Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood will be headlining, and Al Gore will be speaking.

Hey, it's free.

(The Smithsonian's Folklife Festival is still happening on the Mall, and Congress had put the kibosh on using the Capitol grounds, which is why they couldn't do a bigger space.)

Afterwards, Mr. Gore will head up to Giants Stadium in New Jersey (that's New Jersey, not New York) for the big show.

I would guess that he's going to fly (with appropriate carbon offsets purchased, of course), though if Al, Jr. drives, he could probably make it in under 2 hours.

MSN will be doing the Live Earth Webcasting (hopefully, they'll take a cue from AOL's Webcasting of Live 8 back in 2005 and stay out of the way of the performances -- you can still see some of the Live 8 concert vids on AOL Music).

I guess Yahoo or Google gets to Webcast the next globe-spanning, awareness-raising concert thing-a-ma-bob the next time around.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

<a href="">Check out this US Carbon Footprint Map</a>, an interactive United States Carbon Footprint Map, illustrating Greenest States.  This site has all sorts of stats on individual State energy consumptions, demographics and State energy offices.

Anonymous said...

John Mayer has a neat little write-up about the Live Earth thing in his somewhat bloggy blog:

The DC venue should be interesting since it's so last minute.  


Anonymous said...

As was 2/2/02 and all the other nonsense dates.  When will people learn!  By the way, nothing to complain about, journals wise.  The Overlords are generous!

Uh oh.  I may have just jinxed it!

Anonymous said...

Anything to do with the number "3" or the number "7" is considered a more spiritually-blessed whatever, for at least many in the Christian faith.  My cousin and also someone else I know both get married tomorrow.  Had not heard of the DC Live Earth event, so thanks for that info.  (Normally I avoid "Breaking Wind," but the band may sound great.)  I did hear that even the most remote of the 7 continents will have a few scientist-types performing, just to count it officially as 7 continents participating.  THAT is cool:)

Anonymous said...

Is today blogplugs day?

be well,

Anonymous said...

Pick me pick me,Ill keep asking until you do,I have your email address now...well everyone does ahem,but pick me please mwahh mwahh thanx,remember pick me..thanx zoe xxx
I am composed now honest.