Friday, June 17, 2005

AOL Journals Guest Editor's Picks for June 17, 2005

Hi everybody...heads up: This is mostly a repeat of my post to the Journals Message Boards.

Posting as a blog entry, though, should reach additional folks, plus it

us some built-in archiving, so it should still be useful.

Here are the Editor's Picks for June 17,

As noted, we're trying a new programming feature, the AOL
Journals Guest Editor's Picks

, of Slapinions, is our inaugural Guest

and here are some of his top blog picks.  Be sure to check out his blog entry where he talks

about his picks, why he chose them, and more:

* Tom's Astronomy Blog

* PostSecret

* Coldheartedtruth

* 'No One's Child'

* The


But wait -- they're not AOL Journals!

Here's what's going on with the Guest Editor's Picks.

We're shaking things up a bit. Why? We've painted
ourselves into a bit

of corner, and in doing so, we're missing out on a lot of the stuff

that's going on in the wide, wonderful blogosphere out there.

And frankly, they're missing out on us, as well. By embracing more of

the blogosphere at large, we're trying to get them to embrace us back

(and link to us, and post comments in our Journals).

(It wouldn't have made sense to do this before AIM

came along -- now, though, bloggers can play in "our"

space, while still being a part of the blogosphere.)

Here's how it the process seems to be going:

1. Send me your name and blog address if you're
interested in being a Guest Editor.

2. If I pick you to be a Guest Editor, you then choose 6-8 of
your top

  -- AOL Journals or blogs on the
Web-at-large -- and send them to

me.  If you like, you can choose a theme, or you can choose to
not use

a theme (or in some cases, I might ask you to incorporate a


(2a. Note that in this particular case, all of the featured blogs were

non-AOL --

this is up to the Guest Editor's discretion, though I anticipate that

most folks will have a mix of Journals & other types of

3. Then, you do a blog entry, talking about your
picks, why you chose

them and a little bit about yourself.  If you want to
throw some love

to fellow Journalers & bloggers, you can do that,


4. Lastly, you send me a photo and a
completed photo release. (We'll coordinate all the
timing and details.)

5. When Friday comes around, I'll feature your photo, blog entry and

your top 6 (or so) sites on the AOL Journals main page.

There are more changes coming, not the least of which is I will be

posting here more often (not just when stuff breaks). I will let you

know -- please leave your comments below.


response to some of the early comments in the Message Boards and mails

I've gotten -- I think that everyone (even the suits over here)

recognizes that the AOL J-Land community is a unique group of folks

with a distinct character, not to mention being a powerful


It's kind of a fancy way to say that we

definitely want to preserve that flavor, as well as grow it

one can have it all)-- we're going to be working on more tools and

programming to nurture those connections, so I look forward to

continuing this discussion with everyone.

Thanks, and Happy Father's Day -- Joe



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi...drafts are on the product roadmap -- I will try to get an update on that and other planned feature enhancements from the developers.  Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...

    Still not sure about embracing the whole AIM Blog thing, but great idea about the guest editor's pick program ... all of my favorites are AOL-Journals.
                                      *** Coy ***

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this here. It's a rare occasion that I look to see what is happening on the boards.

I think the changes are AWESOME! Keep up the great work! :-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

wow, somebody out there speaks up about all the trivial drama throughout  "message boards", (which should enclude, these so-called {secular} support web sites! ) yea for you Celeste! i whole heartedly agree with you about all you wrote; this is a much easier (& better) way to become informed on specific ideals/questions...

may peace be upon you and your family/friends,

Anonymous said...

    I think that there is far too much emphasis on photos in these blog picks and blog promotions. Call me crazy, but I think that excellent writing should be more emphasized. I, for one, have no interest in looking at photos of people with their pets, cars, friends or whatever, that I don't even know. I would rather read a good, clearly written blog filled with useful information and lots of humor, as I try to make my own. Mark S. of http:/      (do not let the name fool you)          

Anonymous said...

I agree totally with the last comment. It is the writing that is important.

Anonymous said...

Donna In TEXAS wrote:

Heres a thought why doesnt aol journals look at these other journals and offer the cool perks that they have as spell check different fonts,the ablity to preview your entry before you post.. and other neat and cool.. stuff...Yall want to embrace  great them why not learn from them also..
Or better yet I love to work the job that tweets the journal and make them better and better...If aol would listen to the journal users themselves they could learn vauleable knowlege
Thanks for all you do...,


Yeah Donna, you really should apply for the job as journal "tweeter."  

Seriously, I have no idea how the guest editor is chosen, but I've love to have a shot at it. (with Donna's tweet help, of course)

Anonymous said...

Mal00 -- how is the Guest Editor chosen? The answer is, "Very carefully."

As I note in the entry, it all starts with an e-mail to me if you're interested.

Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

happy father's day to those who do not use

Well, this thread seems interesting. I'm wondering if I can be a guest editor if I doNOT post a photograph. I don't remember myself posing in front of the camera. can anybody help?  

Anonymous said...

Hi -- the Guest Editor thing is on hiatus right now (also, the photo thing is pretty non-negotiable), though check the current entries of this blog to follow along other kinds of programming that highlights people's Journals.

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Metal Lirycs

Anonymous said...

I'm not interested. But i do love the wrintings of Love From Iraq. An awesome lady by the name of Laini who blogs about her life with her hubby in Iraq. It is funny, sweet and upbeat. Not sure if I could be that strong with my man away, but hats off to Laini.
Check her out.
The Blueberry Bagal