Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Twofer Tuesday (Burrito Bonus & Tough Town)

Saw this on the DCist blog (it's a Washington, DC local interests blog -- AOL HQ is in the outer DC suburbs)  -- Chipotle (McDonalds's burrito-arm -- they make a pretty substantial burrito, though) is having a "Summer Soul-stice" special, where if you buy a burrito today (the summer solistice, as mentioned by Scalzi), save the receipt and it's good until Sunday for another burrito.

Like I said, it's a pretty substantial burrito -- between 800 and 1,000 calories a pop -- they don't give out nutritional info.

For more calorie-counting fun, check out http://www.cockeyed.com/science/food/food1.html -- Cockeyed.com isn't a blog, per se, but I see their stuff referenced on a lot of blogs; mostly because they do stuff like find out just how much is inside a can of shaving cream or replace the menus at TGIF.

Oh, and I almost forgot -- you know DC's a tough town when the police chief's car gets stolen.  -- Joe


Anonymous said...

I live in a town that has a restaurant/fast-food place called "Burrito As Big As Your Head" and IT IS!!!  It is so yummy!!!  I order 1/2 of one and can't finish it.  They are yummy!  It is in central PA...Hey that person had a TERRIBLE diet on that website you sent us to! Take care, Joe! xox

Anonymous said...

still no comment. What the hell is a blog, glog I have a comment. Is this the reality of the world? Faceless names with advertising on the net. What happened to being without knowing?