Friday, November 2, 2007

Friday Blogplugs

Hey folks,

Sorry for the lack of blogplugs last Friday, we'll try to get them out more frequently. Today's blogplugs will be a double-dose of blogplugage:

* Sugarsweet056 wished her readers a Happy Halloween with a greeting card and also shared three Halloweeen recipes for Journalers. (It's not too late, is it?)

* Jimmy is going to his local pub (might sing a couple karaoke songs) and shared his thoughts on attorneys and politicians with a satirical picture.

* Krissy scavenged for autumn photos, and posted two of them in response to Val's scavenger hunt.

* Schoolgal040 took a sick day from work, and describes what she did.

* deshelestraci reminisces about her favorite family traditions and wants to know what are your family traditions (like holidays, cultural, or seasonal).

* Beth gave her opinion on E-mail and general communication tips, and concludes with the fact she loves e-mail.

That concludes this week's blogplugs. Don't forget, you can browse all the blogplugs on Technorati any time!

Have a great weekend folks!

~ Joseph



Anonymous said...

Thanks!  Those were interesting.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug!

Anonymous said...

TY for mentioning 2 of my many journals.  :)  Hope you have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joseph and Malika...

This may not even be bitching, as I like my journal format.... but why do AOL-run sites such as Fanhouse or AOL News Bloggers not use the AOL Journals product that you and I use?

Even Leonsis went off-campus for his blog, and he owns the f******g place. I never saw Mr. Loong look worse here than when he tried to explain that one to us.

To my knowledge, you and Scalzi are the only ones who still use the format we use... down from 3 now that Jamie Mottram went Yahooing out of Virginia.... and I suppose that it may be because these two remaining blogs actually interact (you answer us) with the users. We tend to kvetch a lot.

Granted...the "pro" blogs look snazzier and stuff... but there may be no advantage they hold over us. It just seems a little strange that AOL pro bloggers are either shying away from using their own product... or AOL is deliberately keeping a better product from their users.

You're paying News Blogger/Fanhouse staff. Users pay AOL, either directly or by the banner ads forced into their Journals. Yet we get the sloppy seconds (or worst first, if you want to get chronological) when it comes to the product. Why?

If you were selling drugs instead of entertainment, someone angry would be storming your crack house by now.

My bad... I guess it was bitching.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing.............

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that Joe L is not with AOL any longer... I have his journal listed on my favorites. I'm guessing you're his replacement? Welcome to the journal community, but how do we email you? I clicked on your screen name and it didn't take me anywhere. I wanted to send you a blogplug link. I read a few entries to see how it's done, and I'm thinking that I am supposed to email you the link. I do have my entry tagged with the word 'blogplug.' Good luck in your new position Joseph. Or maybe it's not new, but an addition to what you were doing before? THank you for your response in advance... bea

Anonymous said...

monponsett - Remember when Robin Leech's gossip AOL Journal crashed the whole ball of wax over some minor dust up with K-fed? Somewhere back in the archives here (old)Joe, not (new)Joe, mentioned that they'd migrate those type of high traffic journals to another platform. Blogsmith is what that platform is called and AOL began using that when they bought, although AOL did not buy the tool itself until much later. Once AOL bought the blog tool they then created the AOL news blogs,  fanhouse, plus a few others.

There still are a few AOL communities and content publishers still using the AOL Journal tool other than the folks you mentioned.

AOL Games does a good Journal.

AOL Mail has a Journal with screaming comments.

AOL Photos puts together a a great Journal too.

There are a couple more but I'm still looking to see if they'll update again after October's purge.