Tuesday, May 1, 2007

[HEADLINE GOES HERE], 11 Blog Tips, and the Webby Awards

Hi folks -- Happy May, which according to the 2007 Bad Usability Calendar is "Use real content in your prototypes"-month:

Download the 2007 Bad Usability Calendar here.

Also, check out:

* "What's Wrong With My Blog?" -- Stuart Brown at the Modern Life blog has 11 tips on how to build readership after you've created your blog.

The article is geared towards people who're specifically trying to attract an audience (especially those people who are trying to monetize their blogging), so the tips may or may not be useful to you. It's a quick read, though, so check it out (the entry is also notable for its REALLY BIG FONT. Don't get me wrong, I hate too-tiny type. But this entry shows that it's possible to go too far in the other direction.)

[Link via ProBlogger.Net]

* Also, the 2007 Webby Award Winners were announced. They're essentially irrelevant, but I don't find them nearly as rage-inducing as the Bloggies.



[That's a joke, people. Also, remember folks -- swearing in your placeholder text is high-larious... until it accidentally goes live.]

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac lorem. Quisque aliquam facilisis sapien. Cras massa libero, adipiscing et, volutpat eu, viverra sit amet, mi. Mauris viverra sapien in magna. Cras fringilla tellus vel massa. Vivamus et neque nec nisl tincidunt consequat.

(This is just some placeholder text, I'll come back and comment later)

Anonymous said...

I always check the Webby Awards results, because occasionally they have really fun sites to check out. I didn't realize that blogs were included. I went to some of the nominated blogs, and I have no idea what those people are even talking about. I so need to get a brain tune-up. Or maybe they just suck, lol?
