Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Update on R11b Fixes: No Classic Album View This Week

Hi folks -- here's where we are on the R11b fixes, which includes changing the embedded AOL Pictures back to the old, non-Flash behavior (with the big white border, captions, and forward/back arrows):

* Bad News: As I mentioned might happen, because of the need for additional development and testing, we're not going to be able to get the build into production before the Memorial Day installation moratorium. Which means that our new target install date is now late night Tuesday/early morning Wednesday, 5/30 (right after Memorial Day).

* The new build will also include some fixes/features for International, including:
- Support for the Userplane Webrecorder (the thing that lets you upload Webcam video directly to your blog) for non-US locales.
- Fixes for a few other bugs, including a client hang and character display bug.
- A new feature where ICQ users will be able to create Journals.

The current plan is to have the patch on Beta Journals site on Tuesday so you'd be able to play around with the new Classic/Animated slideshow chooser before it goes live early morning Wednesday (reminder -- when this happens, do not use the beta site for anything you want to keep -- it won't show up on production, and would get overwritten when they resync the production and beta sites, which they do occasionally -- the beta site is for testing only).

I will keep you updated when I know more.

I apologize for not being able to get you your classic slideshow behavior back before Memorial Day. However, it's important that the team not introduce any new problems as they try to fix existing ones -- these are complicated systems that I don't even pretend to understand, and they can't just hit the "Undo" button.

Thanks -- Joe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
