Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blog Your Way to a New Job?

In a switch from the usual "people getting fired for personal blogging"-stories, today's Wall Street Journal has an item that leads "How Blogging Can Help You Get a New Job." [link via MediaBistro]

The story talks about how some recruiters (typically in the high-tech or media fields) search through blogs (or get referred from other bloggers) to find potential hires.

Even if the person don't blog about work or industry topics, a recruiter or hiring manager can see if the person has something to say and is a good communicator. At the very least, it helps make a potential hire look like a real human, outside of an interview room or resume.

Now, of course, all the standard pitfalls apply -- bragging and blogging about your trangressive behavior and drunken antics may not show your best side to a future employer, etc -- but it's nice to see blogs as a potential asset, and more than just a threat, to employment prospects.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Good point!  BTW, saw Keith in his Taxi this morning.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe, Just stopped by to say hello and re-read one of your lessons that I forgot. Keep up the good work.
