Friday, December 15, 2006

Blogging: It's All Downhill From Here?

So here was another bloggy story reported in BBC News yesterday:

"Blogging 'set to peak next year.'"
"The blogging phenomenon is set to peak in 2007, according to technology predictions by analysts Gartner.

The analysts said that during the middle of next year the number of blogs will level out at about 100 million.

The firm has said that 200 million people have already stopped writing their blogs."
The story (which is pretty short) goes on to say:
"Gartner analyst Daryl Plummer said the reason for the levelling off in blogging was due to the fact that most people who would ever start a web blog had already done so.

He said those who loved blogging were committed to keeping it up, while others had become bored and moved on."
In a followup story today, "Blogging Headed for the Slow Lane, Suggests Report,"TechNewsWorld (link via Digg) looks to blog search and tracking site Technorati's last State of the Blogosphere report for corroborating evidence. There's been a slowdown in the rate of growth of blogs (including a decline in the number of spam blogs, which is a good thing), though more importantly, posting volume has leveled off.

Why the slowing of blog creation and posting? Growth to date has been pretty phenomenal -- at various points over the past year or so, there were different numbers -- a new blog created every minute, a new post every second, etc.

Here's one angle: looking at people's motivations:
"The number of people who thought they could just start blogging and suddenly become rich and famous as a result has peaked, because that's not how it works," B.L. Ochman, avid blogger and president of WhatsNextOnline, told TechNewsWorld. "But the blog as a form of communication is here to stay."
I think there's some truth in there. Without the people, a blog is just a funny looking Web site.

The article then goes on to quibble about definitions -- if I start a blog,
post a few times, then abandon it after 10 days, was I ever a blogger? That bit, I think, starts to miss the point.

Blogging is just a tool for communication. It's kind of like driving -- everybody drives, but not that many of us are full-time drivers. We drive when we need to get where we're going.

Or think of it another way -- maybe you don't have a full-on blog. But if you just share photos online, and the newest ones show up first, and those photos have captions and descriptions, and visitors can leave comments on the photos, and there's archives, search and even a feed.

That photo service is starting to look an awful lot like a blog.

And what about people who consume blogs, boards and other social media? Maybe they comment, or maybe they just lurk. Either way, they're still participating.

Maybe in the future, a blogger will be a person who blogs full time, all the time, and everybody else will just be kind of "bloggy."

At the very basic, individual level, it really doesn't matter that much how many total bloggers there are. All that matters is that you have enough folks to talk to in your immediate sphere of influence.

(Well, I guess on the macro level, there also has to be enough interest, attention and money in social media to sustain the companies that make all the services that people use.)

Anyway, just some parting thoughts for a Friday. Happy Hanukkah, too. -- Joe


Anonymous said...

thanks again for the Hanukkah wishes and yeah I also think AOL bloggers are a different breed. Many of us stayted thru the turmoil last year and IM glad I did . Does that make me a real blogger????? I dont know But I have met many friends I think about daily and miss when I cant visit.

Anonymous said...

i am going on my 2nd year journaling i love J-land all of the many people i have met here. Thank you Joe for caring about journals


Anonymous said...

I would be happy to be called a "bloggy".  LOL!  I have had my AOL journal for 3 years and have met so many wonderful people here.  I would never dream of stopping.  There are times when I get bored, but that's because my life is boring at times, not because I am bored with my journal.  I know a ton of people went to MySpace, but AOL is my "home" as far as journals go and I am not leaving even through all the "crap" that we had to go through with journals.  The friendships here are worth all that and more!

Anonymous said...

And, by the way, WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!  I missed having you around to torture.  Hee-hee!

Anonymous said...

There used to be a regular flow of new bloggers over here in the UK.  That was when "Blogs" was featured on the main welcome page.  I know, I helped many of them to start their blogs.  Then AOL in its wisdom decided to relegate blogs right down on the left hand corner or the welcome page under tools.  Guess what, the steady stream of new bloggers dried up and there has not been one in a long time.  If people cannot see something then they are unlikely to try it.  I was drawn to writing mine because I had noticed "Blogs" at the top of the welcome page and was curious. Many did the same.  Alas, that is a thing of the past.  What a shame.

Anonymous said...

welcome back Joe, you were missed.

Great entry. Bloggers and Bloggies....fascinating. I feel sort of lost leaving AOL and going full time to Blogger, but I had just lost the conection to people over here.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you're back, Joe. It just isn't the same Magic Smoke unless your picture is up there. Now... when do the journals get new skins?


Anonymous said...

I think as long as I feel I need to vent, I will always blog, lol and since I dont plan on having a sex change anytime soon, I guess, "For the rest of my days" is pretty reliable.

Oh, I think jeanno43 had some good points. Maybe AOL UK can highlight the bloggers link so its visible. -Raven

Anonymous said...

Joe... I surely hope you can pull some strings to get file manager fixed!  I still have to go thru the error page several times before I can get in.  Grrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

welcome back!

I am in total agreement with nightmaremom... please please please, get file manager fixed!!!  I too cannot upload photo's with that error coming at least a number of times!  it's F R U S T R A I T I N G!!!!  by the time I get the photo's in the post I no longer care what i wrote about!

Anonymous said...

Blogging peaked when I started blogging, it will maintain that level while I continue blogging, and will fall off rapidly when I stop blogging. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

dear Joe
(still trying to digest what Smurfette just said!lol!)
thanks Joe!