Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Show Off Your Your Holiday Entries

Hi folks -- first, here's a shot of the Christmas tree in the lobby, just before the toy squad swooped in to delivery the collected toys to deserving kids (they were collecting toys under each of the trees on campus):

Since Christmas is quickly approaching, I wanted to do something to highlight holiday Journals content, and in the process show folks one way you can use tags (which went into production in US Journals with the R10 release):

  1. Write an entry (or pick an existing one) about Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or the winter holiday of your choice. You can take any angle on it you want, just tie it back to the holidays somehow.

  2. Tag your entry with this tag:

    (If you're not sure how to add a tag to your Journal entry, check out my earlier entry on using tags.  Non-US Journalers can copy and paste that hyperlinked tag if they don't feel like typing the HTML by hand.)

  3. I'm not sure exactly how we'll feature responses, but you can click the tag link at any time (which does a tag search for all other blog entries that share that tag) to see what other people have done.

    We're the only folks using that tag right now, but anyone who has a blog who wants to participate -- not just AOL Journalers -- can use the tag.
I'm kind of curious to see how Journalers use tags; like I've said, they're really useful, so this is just one example to get people to try them out.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

Here is one for you:

Anonymous said...

as confused as I was.. I did it one.


PS. Thank you for having those little hints on the side there. My journal was huge and not fitting on the screen.  I read your entry that was on the side and found the problem. Looks normal again woohoo.

Anonymous said...

Mine was already posted :)

Feel free to look around I've posted a ton of holiday graphics for snags :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Joe, Happy Holidays!
Here is mine:
I will have to go back and see if I can change the tag! lol!
I hope your holiday is a memorable one

Anonymous said...

Dear Joe,
here is my Happy Channukah greeting:

Anonymous said...

Dear Joe,
there is this one too!
thanks Joe!
ps when is kwanza?