Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Journals R10 Install Successful (Plus, the beta/prod divorce)

Hi folks -- as I mentioned last night, the R10 install went live early this morning. It went pretty smoothly -- here are some open issues:

* Alerts: Some people are seeing problems with New Entry Alerts. Comment Added Alerts seem to be okay. The Journals team is checking with the Alerts team for a fix.

* Comments: The displayed comment count doesn't refresh immediately upon getting new comments. Also, using IE 7.0 to delete the last comment in an entry throws a Javascript error.

* Beta Journals: There are some problems with the Journals beta database (Beta database. Beta database. Beta database. Say it out loud), so the beta is not available right now.

Also, Ops tells me that when beta does come back up, posts that you make on beta Journals won't show up on Production anymore (the beta and production databases have been split), so don't use the beta for publishing anymore.

This is important, so I'll say it again: The Journals Beta and Production databases have divorced. It was an amicable split, and here's the custody agreement: the Beta database is for testing, and the Production database is for publishing.

* Removing Readers From Private Journals: This one is not strictly related to the install, since we were seeing problems with it prior to install -- removing individual readers from Private Journals doesn't seem to be working at this time. "Remove All" readers, as well adding readers, still works.

The team is working on all these issues.

Now, here's what the R10 install got us:

  • Basic Comment Pagination: When viewing an entry, the first 5 comments will show. The rest will display after you hit "show all comments." Again, this is primarily to prevent high-traffic entries with lots of comments from crashing Journals.

  • Tagging in Production: Tagging, which had been in beta since, oh, April, is finally live. You can read my explanation from back then, which still holds up pretty well, though I'll need to do a new entry explaining how you can use it.

  • Public Journals List Pages for INTL: International (non-US) Journalers now have public list pages -- for example, if "OhCanadaOurTrueandNativeLandEh" were a real Journaler, going to:


    would show me all of his or her's available Journals (public Journals and private Journals of which I was an allowed reader)

  • Friendly Entry URLs for INTL: Non-US Journalers also have the friendlier (though longer) URLs, which incorporate the date of the entry and the title of the entry

  • HTML (Including Images) in Alerts: Implemented by accident, this is now supported as a feature, so you will be able to see images and formatted HTML text in Alerts (subject to previous character limits)
That should be it on the visible stuff. As always, there were some back-end tweaks and performance enhancements.

Please let me and Stephanie know if you run into additional problems. Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

LOL, don't they ever let you guys rest?

Anonymous said...

OK, so I went beta on my journal because you all said they would all be going to that but now the beta is not ever going to work so I have to go back to the regular journal.  I kept the link to that and posted using that but how do I get rid of the beta link, just ignore it and will it effect other alerts to my journal?  Will parts of my journal be lost?  Thanks for answering any of these questions.


Anonymous said...

Julie -- I'm not sure I understand all your questions, but I'll give it a shot:

* Beta is split from production now, so changes you make to beta GOING FORWARD won't get picked up in production. However, everything you've published up until this point will stay the same.

* To get to your Journal on production, just go to journals.aol.com/YOURSCREENNAME (with no beta at the front).

That will take you to your public list page, and you can get to your blog.

For you, that would be http://journals.aol.com/midwestvintage/

* When you publish to your Journal, people should still get your Alerts. I believe that if you publish to beta an alert will go out pointing to the beta, and if you publish to production, the alert will point to production.

It looks like the beta is back up, so remember; from now on, the beta is for testing, not publishing.

Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...

Not really a problem for me bu7tttttt.... I cannot see anything in my beta journal after dec 1 except for the testing entry made today

Anonymous said...

Mr. Beta can come back to me when he is ready.  No pressure. Timing is very important. I am drawn to his mystery. His unexpected behavior keeps my interest, lol. ~Raven

Anonymous said...

Celeste -- apparently, not only is the beta Journal database out of sync with (split from) the production database, but it's reverted to an earlier version. This doesn't impact your production Journal (which should be completely current), and is another reason why you wouldn't want to use the beta Journals site for any other reason than testing.

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

  I think what Joe has been saying is: in the past, entries made in the BETA version of your journal were automatically duplicated in the non-BETA version of your journal. You want people visiting your journal to come to the non-BETA version, so that should be the links you spread around. In the future, entries made in the BETA version of the journal will not be automatically duplicated in the non-BETA version of your journal. So, use the BETA version if you want to play with new features that Joe and Stephanie announce are available there, but go back to the non-BETA journal to post entries you want everyone to see, and only post links to the non-BETA version when you invite people to come read. Does that make any sense to you? If not e-mail or IM me and I'll try and go into more detail.

Anonymous said...

When is Shared Blogging due?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy -- I took a look at your Journal, and while I see that it appears to have all-white color scheme (I can't tell if this is the problem you're talking about or something you did on purpose), everything else looks normal to me in both Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers. Can you please send me a screen shot so I can see what you're seeing?

You may be having Web browser problems -- alternately, I see you paste a lot of backgrounds and formatted HTML/CSS into your entries -- something you pasted in one of your recent entries may be causing your page to display funny (though since I don't know what your page normally looks like, I can't tell what that would be.)

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)