Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Hello, August

Hi folks -- well, the Hello Kitty calendar on my cube wall tells me that it's August:

Hello, August

(You can see the previous versions here: Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May | June) | July)

I don't need a calendar to tell me that, though, since it is darned hot right now:

AOL Weather Forecast: Hot

Good golly, three days of 100 degrees. It's like a slots jackpot, except everybody loses.

Thanks -- Joe



Anonymous said...

wondering what your calendar next year will be of?
don't your cow-orkers tease you about hello kitty?


Anonymous said...

Are you a native Virginian, or is 100 as horrible to you as it is to me?

Guess they were out of Ray Lewis calendars, eh?