Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sophie's Story: A Tale of Pet Rescue

Here's a story from a friend and former cow-orker, Kristin, who now works over at MSNBC. She and her husband rescued a dog (a German Shepherd), who was given up by her owners in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

The dog, Sophie, had some medical issues, as well as a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress, so Kristin tells her story of getting Sophie on the road to recovery and not biting people. Sheep are involved.

She also talks about animal rescue efforts a year after Katrina, so check out the article.

(I also note how Kristin also uses this article as an opportunity to mention her beloved and now-deceased three-legged cat.)

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Kristin and her husband are such caring people -- great story, Joe! Your readers may want to check out some disaster preparedness info we compiled at AOL Pets:
There are tips for household pet owners, as well as for those who have horses and livestock.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I had a schnauzer named "Louie The Rat," and she came down with PTSD after 1991's Perfect Storm.

We were oceanfront, and that George Clooney movie storm pounded us for 3 days.I had blown off school, and I sat back to watch the storm.

It was the worst storm of my life, and I've seen some doozies. The waves smashed through the front wall of my house, and the first floor was full of water in no time.

When the front wall got smashed in, everyone panicked... perhaps rightfully so. I started running to the upper floor (escape from the house itself was not an option), when I remembered Louie the Rat.

I went back down, and she had managed to climb up onto the kitchen table. She was barking like a mad dog, which I suppose fits the bill here. She and I watched the storm from upstairs, and I was sure that the house would be split in half about 50 different times as waves rolled in on us. Props to the carpenter (Bobby Reed)... he built a hell of a strong house.

Either way, I was a bit frazzled by it all, although I had the advantage of smoking copious amounts of marijuana. Louie the Rat was far worse. Louie didn't even like thunderstorms, and the rumble of thunder doesn't compare to a 15 foot wave hitting your house... let alone smashing in a wall.

She shook for about 3 days after, and never went into the ocean again. I felt badly for her, and tried to make her later years as comfortable as possible.