Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Bunny, Bunny -- Rabbit, Rabbit

First off, I would just like to say that I went outside to have an ice-cream sandwich, and I can confirm that it's absolutely disgusting out there.

Now, since it's the first of the month, and because there was a Metafilter item about it, here's one of the few superstitions I adhere to.

It's a variation of Rabbit Rabbit -- on the first of the month, if, upon waking, the first words out of your mouth are "Rabbit, Rabbit," you'll have good luck for the rest of the month.

The variation I learned in middle or high school is a bit more involved -- on the night before the first, the last words you speak before you go to bed have to be "Bunny, Bunny." The rest is the same.

I swear I am not making this up. Does it work? Hard to say, though I didn't manage to achieve it this month.

Next, I will be doing an enthnographic treatise on the role of regional and socio-economic indicators in calling shotgun.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

never heard of Rabbit Rabbit.  is it a northern thing?  


Anonymous said...

I never heard of it either.  Must be a northern thing.

Anonymous said...

YES!  I seem to remember this starting in junior high.  I work in elementary school, and the kids still do it!  I seem to forget every month, though... no wonder I feel so lost!  ::smile::  MIchelle

Anonymous said...

Never heard of it. But it would explain a LOT. We tend to have good luck...but often the last words I hear at night are "Good night, bunny bunny." It's my nickname, you see. LOL!

Anonymous said...

In England on the first morning of the month children will give friends a hopefully mild smack and say 'pinch punch first of the month'.  If they've not checked out the time and it's even a minute after 12 noon, the other person may answer with 'slap kick for not being quick'.  It sounds as if we're a violent lot doesn't it :O)


Anonymous said...

"Lapin, Lapin."

Anonymous said...

Also... going out in Arizona heat sort of defeats the purpose of the ice cream sandwich, no?

Sh*t, I'd even smoke inside if it were 100 degrees. Joe's problem here is that he was never into drugs, and thus has no skill in finding those hidden nooks and crannies of big office buildings that would be almost instantly visible to a Drug War veteran like myself.

Anonymous said...

I have been saying "Rabbit Rabbit" the first day of the month for nearly forty years.  I have had to train several boyfriends. There have been a few forgotten times, and the other out of control situations like a phone call. For the most part, it is a habit like an old friend, and I was so happy to know I'm not the only one-and yes, for the most part, I have good luck.

Anonymous said...

Yes...I have heard of ''rabbit rabbit''.....my best friend got me started saying it years ago (11) while we were in high school...the first words we utter when we wake up on the first of every month...to bring good luck....but we are under the impression if you utter it more than twice it ''cancels'' out your ''good luck''  :P  Does it actually bring good luck?   Who knows...LOL...but what can it hurt, right? Is it a ''northern thing''?---not sure, but she is a ''yankee'' and I am a ''southern''...and I never heard of it before I met her.  Take Care.  :)