thankful about, at least when it comes to our Journals problems:
* "No Joy" on the Install of the Disclaimer and Save Fix Patch:
As previously mentioned,
the tech folks installed a patch early this morning to try to close out
the "Can't Save Entries" problem and add the disclaimer under the ad
The install, despite working perfectly in the
development and beta environments, worked quite improperly on
production, so it was pulled back.
Earlier today, the tech folks thought they had a lead on the problem, though that did not pan out.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday and moratorium, we won't be able to try the patch again until Monday at the earliest.
If you are still having problems saving entries, and our previously-recommended fixes of clearing your browser & TopSpeed caches still don't work, your options are kind of limited: 1. Use a standalone (or external) browser. 2. Post to your blog by sending IMs to the AOLJournals bot (I apologize for not mentioning this workaround before -- just send an IM to screen name AOLJournals and follow its instructions.)
If you're thinking of installing (or reinstalling) the latest version of the AOL 9.0 software
to try to fix the problem: Some folks have said it helped, others that
it didn't. If you do try this, be sure to install the new version into
its own, separate folder -- I've had reports from people who've had
problems, such as debug errors, from installing multiple copies of AOL into the same location.
The holiday & moratorium also means it's highly unlikely we'll see any fixes on our other open problems:
* Charset Issue:
Again, this is the problem where extended characters, like those with
accents, currency symbols, trademark and copyright symbols, and even
things like curly quotes, display improperly, showing funny characters
& boxes, etc.:
you think it's bad here, the International Journalers are really
annoyed, because they use a lot more accented characters than we do.)
The only workarounds
to this are: 1. Not use those characters -- for example, make sure you
use regular quotes, not "smart quotes" (that's what Microsoft Word
calls them, the curly kind), or 2. Post to your blog via IMs to the AOLJournals
bot, which will also work. (Using the bot bypasses the Web interface,
so it will get around the Save Entry and the Charset problems)
* Archive Count and Date Mismatches:
Again, no update to the inaccurate monthly counts in the archive
navigation, and the problem of the wrong month's entries showing up in
the sidebar.
I'm sorry I don't have better news for you, either on the technical issues or the whole other problem about the ad banners.
I'm going to try to check in a few times over the long holiday weekend,
but in the meantime, please have a Happy Thanksgiving, and safe
journeys to everyone traveling over the holiday. Thanks -- Joe
Thank you! People probably don't say that enough to you, but thank you, for taking all of us into consideration and putting up with some of the things that are going on in the J-land community, as well as some of the attitude you have been recieving.
Have a safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING Joe!
Happy Thanksgiving, Joe.
Happy Thanksgiving. You deserve it, after the warzone you've been placed in.
Thanks for keeping us up to date Joe, your doing great with that. Have a good holiday...:)
Thanks for keeping us updated.
Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving. Try to put all this aside, at least for one day, all right? - Karen
have a good one your self. HEY I ll just live with the fact I can journal at all and count the blessings of family and friends that are not what I dont have that I want. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU and YOURS.
Its a shame AOL executives didn't feel our complaints were important enough to resolve prior to taking off for the long weekend, however I called this one in advance, sometimes big corporations can be so predictable. I do appreciate you, John, Nancie Meng and the Tech Team for trying to work things out for us as much as you can with the restraints placed on you. I hope you understand though that from my point of view AOL is not doing enough for its members and its lack of concern is shameful. Thank you for your input and updates. It is greatly appreciated.
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
Joe... have a blessed and restful Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving Joe. judi
Joe, I found a workaround for the faulty charstet issue, which I only discovered this week... I hadn't made a journal entry for over a week, so the banner thing was a complete surprise. I don't like it, but... my work around for the charset is this: after I save my entry, the saved copy shows up. That is when I discover the funny characters replacing apostrophes and such. So I click on the edit button, delete the strange characters that are present and replace with the apostrophes and quotation marks, click on save again. Then, the saved journal copy shows all the characters are normal. That's how it has been working for me these past few entries. Maybe it works for others. Have a good Thanksgiving!
Did everybody notice that AOL has an "ad feedback" link the new ads on the front page? Go ahead and provide feedback. Its a fun and hilarious thing to do..... there is even a field for free text comments. Have a blast with that. Now... where is the "ad feedback" option for our journals? Oh, yes, that was you, wasn't it Joe. Did you get the feedback from the "several dozen" of us?
The amount of ads put everywhere now through AOL is nauseating.
Bgilmore725: Are you typing your entries from within Journals, or pasting them from another program (like Microsoft Word)? Unless you get wacky with the ALT keys, stuff that you type directly into the blog entry field shouldn't give you any problems.
We USians, with our regular keyboards, only start running into trouble with pasting extended characters from other programs.
Your workaround will work for quotes and apostrophes that have regular keyboard equivalents, but there aren't any equivalents, say, for the letter N with a tilde over it (I mean, there's a "n" and a "~", but the two together is an extended character and that's what doesn't show up properly. Thanks -- Joe
Happy Thanksgiving Joe. I know the majority of all "this" isn't your fault and you're only doing your job.
Happy Thanksgiving Joe.
Hey Joe... Get out of there and enjoy your Thanksgiving. You deserve it after being placed in the line of fire for the past week. Happy Tukey Day.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Joe, I wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I am sorry for all the troubles the ads seem to have spawned but I want you to know I appreciate your voicing our concerns to Aol. I wish you and your family a blessed thanksgiving...Sincerely, Courtenay Phelan
I did uninstall and resinstall AOL 9.0 into it's own folder after deleting all previous versions and I am still getting the debug error. Am hoping once the new upgrade is installed that will go away. Whatever the problem is, it affects how things work now even going through my Verizon browser. I am now able to save occassional entries. I hope you had a nice THanksigiving.
HIfolks does that mean he is or was let me reiterate all i want is too get what i deverse whats comming too me monatairly i suppose but hopefully without any big legal hasslessfrom aol blogging was the only job i could get and here i sit not apenny too my name an over drawn checking and an upcomming bankuprisy but alo contiues too use my stuff help mike ask FEIDELITY INVESTING MIKE K.
Doesn't matter if there is a disclaimer added or not, the ads are still intrusive and suck! Just my not so humble opinion. Yep, still pissed here. Brandy
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