The front-end of AOL Journals is just about completely Web-based, which means that it's all Web pages. Generally, AOL Journalers access Journals from inside the AOL software, but there's no reason why you can't use any standard external Web browser -- you just have to sign in. (When you use the AOL software, you're automatically signed in.)
This can be a useful workaround when there's an AOL client problem, but it's also helpful when you're away from your usual computer, or even if you want to sign on with one Screen Name on the AOL software and want to work on a Journal that's on another of your screen names (just like you can use Webmail to check multiple e-mail accounts simultaneously).
To do this, all you need is standalone, or external, Web browser, like Firefox (which I'm partial to because of tabbed browsing and a lot of useful extensions), Netscape or the standalone version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer, or MSIE, is on just about every Windows machine out there, so it's always an option.
To open Microsoft Internet Explorer,
1. Go to the Start Menu
2. Click Programs, then Internet Explorer.
This should open up the standalone version of Internet Explorer.)
There's also AOL Explorer, which is a standalone browser that also hooks into a lot of AOL features, but it's pretty much still an external browser built on MSIE.
Anyway, no matter what standalone browser you use, if you know the address of your Journal, just go directly to it (if you don't know your blog's address, I will tell you a shortcut in a second).
When you get to your Journal, there should be a link in the very top right of the page that says "Sign In" (it may show the screen name that last signed in there); go ahead and click it:
When you've signed in, you should have the signed-in, owner's view of your Journal, complete with the owner's blue create and edit buttons.
Here, you're able to do everything with your Journal that you can when you're editing your Journal inside the AOL software.
(You should also be signed in if you've signed in elsewhere with your Screen Name, like if you've been reading your Webmail.)
Now, if you don't know your blog's address, one thing you can do is go to the Journals main page (the shortcut address is & sign on like I mentioned above. After you sign in, it should show you a widget listing all of the blogs you own under that screen name, which you can then click to edit.
Thanks -- Joe
when will it be fixed grrrrrrr
gee you sure sound perky...... I am not so much in the mood for perky. Are you working on getting these ads off our journals? You don't sound nearly as tired as I feel after this black day. judi
Exactly what are we paying AOL for if we have to go outside of AOL to use a non AOL browser to post in their journals?
Old address:
New address (banner free):
I'm just curious.. why do i want to get 1099 free minutes for 50 days if i already have a PAID account??
Yes, I too am upset with the banners. It wouldnt be as bad i suppose if the banners were useful advertising but this is just plain STUPID.
If I didnt just have a baby and want to update his journal so often with new things he has done I would join everyone else and go on strike. Maybe I will just move his journal someplace that doesnt force ads on people and rid of AOL all together.
That's NOT what I signed up for when I joined.
But at Blogger I can use any damn browser I want.
~~ jennifer, living next to Candace and Judi at the new neighborhood
no ads and it's free!
Dear Joe:
I know this isn't your fault, nor John Scalzi's and I think most people here would agree (pausing to ducking a flying mouse). I makes me even angrier when AOL leaves you two out in the cold, to deal with many pissed off bloggers? They need to treat us like we have some sense, acknowledge that we pay a premium for AOL service, and we don't like our art *#*&^@d with. WHy don't they get Julia Roberts out here to do some PR work? God knows we pay her beaucoups for those Six Little Words.
Hang in there. I hope it is all resolved soon, I don't want to leave my friends here, but it appears we are all quite willing to do so.
My ad is blinking a puke colored lime green and blue for Match.Com...what's yours?
Are *ALL* the techs sick today?
that's how i access my free AIM account! and NOW it looks the same as AOL journals...right down to the banner at the top!! I'm on the side of these paying members...get rid of the ads, or you're going to lose many members to either the AIM service, or other blog sites.
Annie =)
Ok i tired this and it doesn't work grrrr
Placating is bad.
That really isn't the point now, is it?
Please tell us something we don't know, Joe.
Joe I DL Firefox I still don't have the button to create a new entry....I'm really frustrated.
Oh please. I am paying aol for the ease of accessibility of my journal, not to read a full page of gobbledeegook about how I can spend the next 15 minutes doing what it should take me one second to do.
that doesn't work.....tried it
So AOL is willing to lose all the goodwill it's built up with the userbase? They're willing to lose my high-income eyeballs, too.
Wow, that's a whole lot of advise for a whole lot of people who don't write in your AOL journals anymore. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO ADDRESS THE BANNER ADS, JOE? It's "small comfort" to sit here and read about problems I do not have and have to see my friends and community ripped apart because you knew you were going to put ads on our journals, because "the infrastructure was already in place".
Your words.
Your time to step up or shut up.
I don't know about me, but I am sure you need a drink.Oh okay I do too... so let's go grab a beer! on me. wait body shots! lol
Ok...I am not gonna say a word about the ads....but I am gonna say this...why the hell do we pay for AOL if we have to go outside of the AOL software to update our darn journals?
Is it really a wonder people are boycotting?? Insult to injury Joe.
Gotta get rid of the banner ads, man. I absolutely agree that having the ads kinda ruins the blog, especially depending on what the content of the journal is. The banner ads have got to go, and at most, they should be optional.
Honestly our journals service has been a mess since you took over. I think you should resign. I posted this earlier and YOU deleted it, so I am posting it again.
I do not work for AOL yet I had tons of email today from fellow J-Landers needing help trying to figure out how to post today. Yet it took you until almost 7:PM to post this.
This is disgraceful.
Get rid of the banner ads. I did not sign up to provide financial welfare to AOL and to AIM journals. I paid for my journal. I did not agree with my payment that you could trash my journal with advertising. Why should I pay for something that you give out for free to others? Why should I put up with offensive advertising in my sacred space?
And the corporate greed that rushed the advertising to our journals but didn't bother to first QC the upgrade or beta test and now people have to use another browser than AOL to post to the AOL journals THAT THEY PAID FOR.... what a joke.
AOL just lost me as a member. So much for what the customer wants.
Please get rid of the banner ads on the journals. I will have to move my blog off of aol. I will, in fact, get rid of aol. --Beth
Well, I gave in and tried the outside browser route. Two different ones. And ya know what it says when I finally get to AOL?
"Welcome Guest."
I can't post a thing except angry comments to y'all. I am even madder about not being able to post in my journal than I am about the ads.
May I say again Joe? blah, blah, blah, blah. Anything you say means NOTHING to us anymore until the damned AOL Ads are GONE from our journals! Understand yet? Got a clue yet? Have you run and hid under your desk yet? Well, if I were you, I would be hiding. Wonder if the call volume went up in India today with everyone trying to get an English speaking customer service rep to complain to? Hmmm, something to think about.
hey jo...
u never did answer my question about the black background for journal entries reverting our colored text to ALSO black ....which causes our words to disappear.
thanks for fixing that glitch
and now on to the regularly scheduling programming:
i realize that ads spark business for AOL. i just dont understand WHY if the journal is supposed to be MY words, must i have ads i didnt ask to promote on it!!
it would be different if AOL decided to give me FREE access, since i dont need it anyway thanks to my HIGH speed connection from COMCAST.
why doesnt AOL either pay us to advertise, give us a cut of what they are getting for those stupid ads...????
or at LEAST let us pick which ads WE choose to promote on OUR journal site???
If these ads continue to destroy our journals, we will not only take our journals to other sites, we will cancel our subscriptions!
maybe that's what we should do? just solicit as many journalers as possible onto another blog site, then sign a petition for aol to either cancel the ads on our journals, or we cancel our service
why should AOL get money for advertising our a space that they offered for ME for MY words?
sincerely digusted,
my, how very inconvenient.
no thanks.
there's nothing left here worth all that trouble anyway.
now, if the ads come down...
maybe then we'll talk.
Joe, upset about not being able to save a new entry ... very upset about the unproved advertisements you are posting in our journals ... very, very upset about all of my friends leaving J-land.
I love this community and don't understand what AOL has in mind here. This can't be the best business decision that you've ever made! Because you are journal editor and author of "The Official Blog of AOL Journals" I will be waiting for your personal explanation here ->
*** Coy ***
Please help support Boycotting AOL journals by writing directly to Bank of America and others ... Let them know what you think of their advertising in our Journal Space! Click here:
Bank of America | Contact Us | General Inquiries | Send E-mail or
KODAK: Contact Kodak or - ContactUs
I cant post in a journal I PAY for. I have to say goodbye to people I interact with everyday. Open your eyes mr joe. You never even got back to me regarding these ads. Its a sad day in J-land.
You wanted us to let you know if we can't save in our journals. I have AOL 9.0 SE by Dell (came on the PC and works with the firewall). So this morning I still can't save. Also I tried deleting my cookies like you said and all it did was remove all of my RSS feeds so I had to go to bloglines for RSS b/c it won't delete my feeds if I delete cookies. I really miss being able to journal, the normal way. I will try going thru the network or just IM'ng w/o photos. ARGH.
There will be no more posting in my journal until the banner ads go away. You can find me with so many other AOLers (ex-AOLers) at:
keep waiting Coy.... they are hoping we will get tired and give up. judi
Well, my SAVE button is not working. So I downloaded Firefox as you suggested. It does not work for me. I put in the name of my journal and after ten minutes wait it had still not found it. There will be no further posting on my journal until the SAVE button is fixed. It ads come to England as I suspect they will, then there will be no postings on my journal ever. I shall remove myself and go elsewhere, including finding a new ISP
"For AOL Journalers, this means that the neighborhood is about to get a lot bigger and a lot more diverse -- and, not entirely coincidentally, that all your friends with AIM accounts will now be able to have their own blog here on AOL, with all the features of AOL Journals (the real difference is that AIM Blogs, being a free service, have an ad at the top, whereas AOL Journals, as part of your paid AOL account, are ad-free)."
Guess he didn't really mean it, huh.
Virginia, now at:
So I just opened my journal on which I still can't save an entry, and the Bank of America ad says, "Moving?"
LOL you bet.
The next line of the ad says, "You'll probably find us there."
Let's hope not.
"For AOL Journalers, this means that the neighborhood is about to get a lot bigger and a lot more diverse -- and, not entirely coincidentally, that all your friends with AIM accounts will now be able to have their own blog here on AOL, with all the features of AOL Journals (the real difference is that AIM Blogs, being a free service, have an ad at the top, whereas AOL Journals, as part of your paid AOL account, are ad-free)."
Why'd you all tell that dude that spew? Why'd you lie? Shameful, whoever made this decision. Obviously your marketing guru's thought we'd take this.
It's pretty damn pathetic that AOL has to redirect people off AOL in order to use their product. I pay for this service. I demand a refund. Why pay for something that NEVER works right?
Go to Get blogs there. They're free with no ads. Lovely, isn't it? Gee, wish AOL thought of that...
Boy, I can tell what division AOL is going to be laying off people next.
Aol should give us a refund, we are paying for a service that we are unable to use. It is disgraceful. They would never have caused this problem if they had not decided to add bloody advertisements. Switch them off and give us back our journals. Why should I have to find another way to write for God's sake, why should I have to go into my journal another way. Hope AOL is pleased with itself.
I"ve been thinking about getting rid of AOL for a long time. I've been a member for YEARS. The one thing that kept me here was my journal. I am as angry as the entry's above me. I couldn't believe I had an AD on my journal. TAKE IT OFF NOW or give me a credit on my account for the money your making from advertising on my journal. We pay so much for AOL and we get treated like this.
The one reason I am on your journal is because I haven't been able to SAVE AN ENRRY IN DAYS and I'm looking for answers why! I see others are having the same problems. You sure know how to piss people off for all this money were paying for your service.
This problem better be fixed soon. I'm giving you to the end of the week. If the adds aren't taken off or if I'm not able to save my entry I will be canceling my service with AOL and using my DSL service provider alone. My husband will be happy. He's been wanting me to dump your service for years. Do something that will make me want to keep your service. FIX THE JOURNALS! take the add's off and make it where we can save our entries.
I am not leaving AOL for two reasons. 1: the journal As I Am is too important. 2: I have too many friends here to allow AOL to destroy that. My friends are very important to me. I understand why people are leaving. I don't disagree with them. It wouldn't be so dang bad if we could actually use our journals without having to walk hundreds of miles, uphill BOTH ways to another browser to do it! Plus, I am still getting double comments on the same one AND I am getting three, count them, three entry alerts for the same entry!!
I stilll cannot save my entries. I have always used Safari (on my Mac). I downloaded Firefox--which I do not like--and can save an entry from there but cannot use HTML, so I cannot put photos and links in my journal now.
Can I not keep Safari? What's up with the HTML now working?
Thanks for this info, I don`t want to leave AOL but it`s very annoying as we pay a lot for this service without having advertising attached to it. No matter, I`ll be thankful to make an entry again!
Sandra x
LOL this is how I always get on journals by the way.....
The AOL software doesn't work on my computer, never has. It is how I posted bright and early on the 15th, I didn't know any better.....since I go everyday.
"For AOL Journalers, this means that the neighborhood is about to get a lot bigger and a lot more diverse -- and, not entirely coincidentally, that all your friends with AIM accounts will now be able to have their own blog here on AOL, with all the features of AOL Journals (the real difference is that AIM Blogs, being a free service, have an ad at the top, whereas AOL Journals, as part of your paid AOL account, are ad-free)."
Sorry, beabvt, but I'm not sure that's entirely correct!
I pay for my AOL service and yet I still have a bloody great big ad across the top of my journal.
Incase I'm being stupid and missing out on something here that will remove these annoying ads, could somebody please fill me in...
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