tech folks think they've isolated the cause of most of the recent
Alerts trouble (which was nondelivery of comment alerts), and fixed it
by bouncing (or rebooting) a balky server, which seems to have made things a whole lot better.
In fact, that may have been why I couldn't duplicate the problem on Thursday.
let me know if your Alerts situation has gotten better. The tech folks
are putting in some additional monitoring so we can keep tabs on that
Note that even if this solves our primary problem with
comment nondelivery, there may be other Journals Alerts problems
floating around, so please let me know via comments or e-mails.
For example, I've seem some comments from people who have said that they have never gotten comment Alerts, which seems kind of odd.
One thing (and I hesitate to mention this, since you already know this,
so I guess this is for the other folks), is that you have to subscribe to comment alerts -- they're not turned on automatically.
You can subscribe to comment alerts by going to the main page of your
Journal; up at the top (by your Journal editing buttons), there is a
link that says, "Alert Me as Comments are Posted" (if you're not the
owner of the blog you're looking at, it will say "Alert Me as Entries
are Posted."):
Click this link to subscribe to your comment Alert.
If you want to check on your current Alerts subscriptions, you should go to,
where it will show you all of your active (and inactive) Alerts, as
well as the delivery method (online, e-mail and e-mail archive) used
for each one.
If you're still not getting your comment Alerts,
try unsubscribing from your comment Alert, then resubscribing (hey, it
can't hurt).
I've also seen reports of people getting multiple comment alerts
for a single comment, which is also kind of odd. Please keep letting me
know about these things so I can ask the tech folks to take a look.
Thanks -- Joe
Thanks Joe.
I'm getting my alerts now; thanks for your efforts.
You have to turn em' on...lollll
(sorry Joe, couldn't help myself) haaaaa
it looks like I am getting alerts on all my comments at this moment (knock on wood). judi
My alerts are coming through now. Thanks Joe. Helen
Hi Joe, I am getting comments but am still getting multiple comments for the same one. I got a comment awhile ago and got it three times!
Mine seem to be working quite nicely again! Tell the tech folks I like them now.
~~ jennifer
My alerts are fine.
Alerts really came through this weekend as a lot of us were hanging on each alert as the peer awards were announced, via Journal, via alerts.
Dear Joe,
Great job! thanks!
hugs, nat
Thank you very much for the prompt attention. I am getting my Alerts now.
However, the second problem of not being able to see the photos in the photo wall on the People Connection page isn't solved.
Suzy Colorado
I was getting double alerts on John Scalzi's journal until I went to "Manage my alerts" and found I had put him on the list twice. I removed one, and the problem was fixed.
No alerts for me. Not getting them, haven't been getting them, don't know why. I've tried everything. Any ideas??
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