Friday, August 17, 2007

Slushpile Links: Mix & Share, MyYearbook, and Mythic Picks

Hi folks -- I've been throwing links into my blog topic slushpile left and right, since I keep finding things I'd like to write about, but just haven't been able to get to them:

* Mix & Share a Feed of Your Friends' Blogs: I keep saying I'll do a tutorial about how to do this (next week, honest), but for right now, check out this page I mashed together, featuring a whole bunch of different AOL Product blogs.

What I did was use a MyAOL feature to build a custom page featuring the most recent entries from about 16 different blogs. You can do it with your friends' blogs, or any other blog interest you could come up with (and not just blogs -- anything with a feed).

It's similar in concept to LiveJournal Friends pages, or what you can do with Yahoo Pipes, and it's a very neat and easy use of feeds.

I'll do a full tutorial next week, but here's the rundown for you self-starters: 1. Go to MyAOL and click the Feeds Tab. 2. Add a new folder, and add the feeds for your friends' blogs to it. 3. Click the "Mix & Share" button to get the Web address of the page that shows all your friends' feeds.

* What were you doing at 17? If you're like me, you weren't the co-founder of a social networking Web site aimed at teens with 30 employees and millions of dollars in annual revenue. This is because you're not Catherine Cook of And neither am I. (Though a comment in the CNET article suggests that the 17-year-old thing may be more of a marketing angle. The truth? I have no idea, though the skeptics should probably come up with more than an anonymous source.)

* Plausible: A list of Mythbusters' Adam Savage's Top 10 Daily Web sites. Geeky, techy link sites are well-represented(but did you have to make it in Flash?) [link via, which is #1 on the list.]

Thanks -- Joe

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