Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday Blogplugs, Plus an Upcoming Anniversary

Here's another round of Friday Blogplugs, which are blog entries that people have sent to me or labeled with the because they want other people to see them. Remember, when you tag an entry of yours, you're labeling it for blog search engines, and by clicking the link, you can see everything else that shares that tag:

* Guido asks for all J-Land Journalers to join in an AOL Journals 4-Year Anniversary Chat, this Sunday, August 19th, 4PM EDT (9PM GMT, 1PM PDT), in the Journals Cafe [AOL in-client link only -- promise by the 5-Year Anniversary, we'll have a robust Web chat solution in place].

Before you ask: No, I didn't forget. The actual anniversary date is August 21 -- I'd already asked Jason over here to do an update to the Journals anniversary graphic, though it looks like you guys already beat us to it.

* Indigo gives a personal account of domestic violence.

* TixGirl Ames has a concert report of last week's the Daft Punk show in Coney Island.

* Dawn talks about friendships, chronic illnesses and more.

* Zoe shares information about the Lockerbie bombing and asks you to sign a petition.

* Sugar shares her memories of Elvis.

* Donna has some weekend memories, plus a bonfire video.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Sorry Joe....  didn't mean to step on toes... but it was getting down to the wire and folks were asking.  I commented on Guido's journal that the graphic isn't mine, I just edited it.

Anonymous said...

TY for mentioning me Joe, appreciate you & the work you do!

Anonymous said...

thank you for the blogplug hun,mwahhs and (((hugs))) to you,zoe xx

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have missed it for the world.