Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Journals R11 Is Coming, Plus Tuesday BlogPlugs

Hi folks -- hope you had a good Presidents' Day
holiday. Here's an item from Journals Product Manager Stephanie about
R11, plus a few more blogplugs (items that people have sent to me or
tagged with ):

Stephanie lets us know that the Journals
R11 release will be installed early morning Wednesday, Feb.
; see her blog entry for full details, but R11 gets
  • Social bookmarking links in
    entry footers, so it's easy for you or your readers to submit
    Journalers' blog entries to Digg and
    Del.icio.us; digg is a social links site
    with its own etiquette and rules of the road, and del.icio.us is a place online
    where you can store and share your bookmarks -- see Stephanie's entry
    for more info.
  • Comment
    If you have lots and lots of comments in an entry
    (like dozens or hundreds), they'll be broken up and shown on separate
    pages. It will improve page loading times, though this shouldn't effect
    most people.

    -- Make that, it won't affect any people -- John
    Panzer tells me that
    comment pagination isn't one of the R11 features; it will be added
    later, so consider this a
    preview of a feature for an upcoming release -- Thanks,
  • More back-end stuff, as well as setting up for an R11 patch (R11b?) for a
    little later on
* Also, Barbara
blogs a Chicken's

* Ewald over at
incorporates economic charts and graphs into his blog. I
would probably understand them better had I not gotten a C in
Microeconomics in school.

* Ron
tests out a new
TV/computer tray.

* Dan
celebrates (well, celebrated) his
blog's one-year anniversary.

If you want
to blogplug an entry of yours, or an entry of yours talking up someone
else's entry, just use the tag

-- Joe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!  Thanks for the plug Joe.  If it wasn't for you, my blog would not have survived a year.  You've got some excellent pointers here, and they've been a great help in sorting out whatever crisis arose.  
