Well, all good things (and this photo jaunt, too) must come to an end, so here we'll wrap up
Flat Scalzi's expedition to AOL HQ and send him on his way to
parts unknown.(In case you missed it, here you can find Parts
Two and
One; there are 5 entries total, which is actually about 4 more entries than I'd originally planned to do.)
We last saw the Flat One in a variety of
violent tableaus featuring different McFarlane figurines (figurines are like dolls for boys), but fortunately, we leave behind the
bloody hacksaws and such for a
British Flag and
Nice hat. Say something if you don't want me to take it.
From a bit of British flavour, to the ultimate in Americana, the big
foam finger:
You're the Man. No, you're the Man. We're Number One!
Next, we finally see the
rough bunch, responsible for all the previous mayhem and violent imagery:
Former Scalzi cohorts John, Erin & Cian.
Of the above three, can you guess brought Flat Scalzi to the Hundred Acre Wood (home of
Winnie the Pooh and pals?
Flat Scalzi is no Christopher Robin.
Finally, our parting photo finds Flat Scalzi on one of the
external staircases, looking out onto the campus (CC1 is to the left; the wedding cake thing is HQ):
"Nice place you have here."
Anyway, that's the last stop in the Dulles itinerary; as we speak, Flat Scalzi is in an envelope somewhere, heading over to one of the other AOL offices; from there, he should be heading over to Ohio, for a joyful reunion with his
marginally more-dimensioned namesake.
Thanks to
Tee, the
Paul, and of course,
Flat Scalzi himself, for putting this all together.
Thanks -- Joe
AOL Journals,
Flat Scalzi,
I was away and catching up with the adventures of Flat Scalzi :). Funny stuff!!!!
Oh no! I don't want it to end!
It's been a wild ride so far. Do you think it's close to over? Don't bet on it.
Aw come on, we want more adventures with Flat Scalzi!
If I see that Flat Scalzi again I'm going to print it out and papercut my wrists with it!
i really ,really want to know how you add text to show up when you mouse over a part of a picture like flat scalzi oversees aol
When you add a picture to an entry, if you switch to HTML, you'll see the line with the picture info that normally says something like:
IMG src="http://hometown.aol.com/yourname/picturename.jpg
Now, in between the "IMG" and the "src" if you add the line: alt="whatever words you want" (with the quotes) you should get the picture to display text.
I hope that makes sense. Joe could probably explain it better.
I want your job. (Well, one like it anyway.)
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