Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Quiet 9/11 Remembrance

Hi folks -- this September 11th has been a gray, dreary day. I've mostly been keeping my head down, but I wanted just to highlight a few AOL Journalers who blogplugged 9/11-related entries, including Ellie, Sugar, Christopher, Indigo, and Jimmy.

Also, again this year, Kathi has an entry supporting the 2,996 Project (in which bloggers do entries remembering each of the victims of 9/11).

If you have your own 9/11 related blog entry, feel free to leave a comment with a link.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

No, nothing written in a blog for me, tho I'll never forget, that entire morning, and the sounds of the supersonic jets not only that afternoon, but for seemingly weeks after, how the Pentagon looked, or even "the" hole years later in NYC.  Pharmlo blogged, however, so just adding his to Kathi's and the others here (Guido (pharmlo) also supported the 2,996 project) http://journals.aol.co.uk/pharmolo/NorthernTrip/#Entry5053
, and to Win's blog entry on 9/11:  http://journals.aol.com/winivere2002/TheGlassBox/entries/2007/09/11/we-remember/1778

May we never forget, quiet in the rain is still remembrance.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe,

Thanks for posting these. I'm someone who feels that we should never let the events of that day fade into lost memories. I know that as long as there are people like you, the victims of that day won't ever be completely forgotten.


Anonymous said...

Robin (ceilisundancer) highlighted my entry. We all remembered in our own way, Joe. Whether it be out in the rain at Ground Zero, or in the office.

Anonymous said...

Here is my recounting of that day, with Hubby being in NYC...  This year I linked to last years entry because it says it all to me...


be well,