Monday, June 18, 2007

How to Add Webcam Video to Your AOL Journal (It's Easy)

As I promised, um, last week, here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to record webcam video directly into your AOL Journal. It's pretty easy -- it's powered by the Userplane Webrecorder, and all you need is a Webcam hooked up to your computer.

Of course, the Userplane folks did a full screencast tutorial -- it's a narrated video that shows you what's on the computer screen as someone walks through the process. It shows you everything you need, but I'll finish this entry since I started it, and besides, I like still pictures and text.

1. Create a new Journal entry (or edit an old one). Click the "Add Video" button, or the video camera icon in the formatting toolbar. They pretty much do the same thing.

2. Click the "Record" tab:

The "Embed" tab is where you paste the code that you get from a video sharing site.

3. You'll get a warning message, that says that wants access to your camera and microphone. Click "Allow":

4. The software will detect your webcam, and you'll see what it sees onscreen. When you're ready to record, click the "Rec" (for "Record") button -- you can record up to 3 minutes:

To stop recording, hit the "S" (for "Stop") button.

To review what you're recorded, hit the Play button. If you're not happy with the result and want to re-record, click the "X" button to erase the current recording (you'll get a warning message).

If you're happy with the playback, click the flashing "Save Recording" button. This will pop a warning that you're about to replace any current recording (you don't have a current recording to replace yet, so don't worry). Click "Replace":

6. The recording you just made will show up in the right panel. You'll see what the camera is currently seeing on the left side:

You can play back the recorded video on the right side, or youcan record a new one onthe left (using the process I described above). If you like the new version better, you can replace the current recording.

When you've recorded a version you like, click "Add Video."

7. You'll see a camera icon embedded in your Journal. That's your video:

You can't preview the video here, but you can add text before or after it, just like any other blog entry. When you're ready, save your entry.

8. Here's a closeup of my video entry after I saved it -- you can see text I added before and after the video:

Now, some things to remember:

* You can also record a video in your "All About Me" sidebar. The video will resize itself to fit automatically, which is nice.

* If three minutes of recording time just isn't enough for you, you can either make a new blog entry, or you can also add another video to your current entry -- just click the "Add Video" button again.

I would only do this sparingly, since I hate to say it, but you're probably not as captivating to other people as you might think.

* Remember, if you do your own video entries, try tagging them with or so we can see.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Thanks!  now...could you suggest a good webcam to get that's decent yet not to expensive??


Anonymous said...

well I bit the bullet and got me a "logitech quick cam" its got all the bells and whistels and 2 year warranty ... not sure how much it is nowadays but i have had mine for 6 months or so and it works great .

Joe -- THANKS for these tips ...  this one belongs on your "How To's" for ever :)

Anonymous said...

I can just picture it, endless hours of people's pets!  Thanks, Overlords!  LOL!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe, I'm considering starting a blog (so I'm new to all this), and I'm wondering if a similar process can be used to upload a video other than one coming directly from a webcam?  In other words, could I get some webcam footage (as you've done), edit it in another program, and then upload the edited version to my blog?

Anonymous said...

Hi -- yes, uploading video files from your computer into your Journal was one of the features added at the end of June -- see my entry here:

I haven't done it yet myself since I'm not so good with the video stuff, but I'll try to do it soon.

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...

This was a good ideal to tell the puters' cams how to ty
p.s. your nice looking

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

test 2

Anonymous said...

Joe, say we make a webcam video, add it to our journals and then later decide we want to delete it.  Would deleting the journal entry also delete the video, or do we need to go through some other steps to remove it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Need help ... videoing used to work back in October, but now it says "no camera connected or recognized."  I'm not seeing that little window popping up from requesting access.  Are these instructions still valid????


Anonymous said...

Hi Dee,

Nothing has changed from our end as far as video functionality is concerned. You should check to see if the camera can bee seen by some other IM client, like say a Yahoo Messenger (under one of the dropdowns they have an option to show a webcam). If you camera cannot be seen by Yahoo IM, then you should check your connections to make sure they are in place and secure.

Please send email to journalseditor if you are having problems.
