Thursday, June 14, 2007

Cellphoto: Flag Day @ AOL

Image from AOL Pictures

Image from AOL Pictures

So I'm walking over to HQ to get some lunch, and I'm passing through CC1, when I came across a Flag Day display. More on this when I get back to my desk.

OK, back. So, as I was saying, I was going over to get lunch in another building, since nothing struck my fancy and I figured I could visit a few people I needed to see.

As I was passing through building CC1 (I'm in CC2), I saw a bunch of flags outside one of the cubicles (the first picture -- I reordered them from the original upload).

I didn't have my regular camera with me (and I didn't feel like walking back to get it), but I did have my cellphone with me. So the photos aren't as sharp and I didn't get a chance to fiddle with them in Photoshop, but I was able to blog them on the run (well, on the walk).

(Check out my entry on how to post to your Journal using your cell phone.)

Anyway, I talked to the person whose cube it was to find out what was going on. Jo Ann (you can't really see because of the reflection, but that's her in the first pic), who works for the AOL Money & Finance channel (which I find myself still call PF -- for Personal Finance -- out of habit), has had her flag ribbons up since Memorial Day, and she'll keep them up (with some adjustments) through Flag Day and Independence Day.

In the second photo, you can see the whole aisle is decorated with flags -- it was apparently Money & Finance's combined Flag Day/pizza day.

If you've got any Flag Day pics (moblogged or not), share them with us: Tag them with "Flag Day" and leave a link in the comments.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by Joe!  appreciate the pictures!     Jo Ann

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Jo Ann and way to go, Joe for showing these pics!  Maybe next year we'll have displays like this in more than one building!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe!  Jo Ann has such spirit and is a wonderful person.  She celebrates each and every Holiday with such conviction.  Her colleagues depend on her to decorate and are disappointed if she gets behind with the celebration.  Thanks to you Jo Ann ` Joanne Clarke

Anonymous said...

You should have stolen all the pizza, then blogged about it.