Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Purging the 2006 Blog Slush Pile (Part 1)

Okay, so I'm doing a little housekeeping, moving files into my 2006 archive to get ready for the shiny new year that is 2007.

Now, in the course of a normal day, I run into a bunch of things that I might want to blog about, usually (but not always) because they're current events that have some sort of blogging angle to them, so I put them into draft files. They just start out as an URL and a title; if something has legs, I'll add descriptions, analysis, etc. and turn it into a full-fledged blog entry.

I usually end up with a lot more stuff than I can actually use. Something may not be as good of a story as I first thought, or maybe I just don't have time to write it up properly.

After a while, stuff can go stale, or have already been talked about enough that I don't have anything new to add. So it just drops out of sight.

 Sometimes I'll get to a "things I didn't get to write about this month" entry, but usually not.

Well, here's a dump of a bunch of things I didn't get to blog about last year, with minimal editorializing (I pulled out the broken links and completely irrelevant stuff) -- it's pretty random:

* Jason Kottke on Digg's Editorial Selection Model

* Company Blogging: CNET on Why companies monitor blogs; the McDonald's Blog (via Blogspotting); Why Companies Should Blog (via Marketing Begins at Home)

* Congress finds the value of blogs (via Slashdot)

* Removing earwax with a SuperSoaker (via Metafilter)

* How to BlogSafer if you live in an authoritarian regime (via Craig Newmark -- the Craig of Craigslist)

* "There is no blogosphere" -- A debate on whether blogging was the victim of overblown hype.  Some perspectives: The original article (via Poynter); "Twilight of the Blogs" (with some reaction from the Washington Post); "A Blogger is just a writer with a cooler name."

* Continuing: The Wall St. Journal weights in on the blogging is dead/no it isn't debate (via Slashdot)

* Why the user name "null" is a bad idea (also via slashdot) -- hint: it's the equivalent of having a license plate that says NO PLATE

* The TV Show 24: The JackTracker, tracking Jack Bauer's movements in 24 (via Dave Barry's blog); Jack Bauer's 24 Kill Count; 24 coverage in TVgasm and TV Squad; Jack Bauer's VCR.

So that's the first quarter. A random mix, yes? You should see the stuff I left out.

Should have a few more parts tomorrow.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Man...  I should go through my slushpile.  I think there's a few Magic Smoke things in there I wanted to pick apart like the small, bitter, little man I truly am.  


Anonymous said...

DO NOT use a Q-tip in your ear. Helen

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have links that I want to share but they just sort of sit somewhere.  Then before I delete and just forget about it I'll do an entry of nothing but links.  Usually I try to post them on a weekend -- for those with boring weekends and wanting something to do.  Then I move them over to my links journal for everyone to have a chance to check out when they have the chance.

Now instead of fowarding all those cute emails I have a journal where I post them.  I can still share the funny stuff but now no one gets mad over a full mail box.


Anonymous said...

Jeez, where good ideas go to die.
OK, I looked at my "slush pile" and these were the first five things listed:

Pro-Gay Wrestlers
I Love It When Streisand Says the "F" Word
Disney is So Gay
Lesbians Love Batwoman; Does Batwoman Love Lesbians?
What Would Jesus Blog

Here's to what coulda been.

Anonymous said...

FYI Alerts appear to be down.. and you get the gateway error when trying to set up a new journal and get their alert for new post .......