Friday, September 8, 2006

Remembering 9/11

I'm going to use blogger John's Weekend Assignment #128, 9/11, Five Years On as the starting point for this entry, then keep it going.

It starts out a little self-indulgent, hope you don't mind.

Now, I've don't think I've ever blogged about my memories of 9/11. Five years ago, I was the home page programming manager -- I did the content for the main page. Back then, there wasn't much content on the main page (compared to now), but it was still enough to keep one guy -- me -- busy.

I was getting ready to leave my house at around 9am, when I got a call from Gina, one of my co-workers. She'd asked me if I'd been watching the news. I hadn't, so I turned on CNN.

One of the towers was smoking, and the caption said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I let out a laugh of disbelief (there's a Soul Coughing song, "Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago," that starts with the lyric, "A man, drives a plane, into the Chrysler building" -- it was all I could think about).

I told her I was on my way in and turned off the TV. To this day, I'm not sure if I'd just missed watching Flight 175 hit the South Tower, or if it has already been hit. Either way, I'm glad I didn't see it happen live.

The office was just about 15 minutes away. I listened to the news on the way in. Like most people, I'd thought it was some small plane that had hit; as I kept listening, I realized just how wrong I was. I started driving faster.

I pretty much skidded into the parking lot and ran to my desk. I had to get the home page updated -- there were two autofed My News top headlines, but I needed to get the promo spot, as tiny as it was -- as 63x63 graphic with a few lines of text -- updated.

Now, the Internet Archive has some versions saved of from back then (here's 9/14/01 -- you'll need to turn off Javascript, or it will redirect to the current site).

(The Archive shows the non-signed in view of -- back in 2001, we focused on AOL members who were coming from inside the AOL client software, or who signed on from the Web to check their Webmail. Since we were concentrating on members, when we took the other advertising off the page, we left a big honkin' [for its time] billboard ad up on the non-signed in view. That's what shows up in the Archive, of course.)

Anyway, the photo department folks were on the ball, so I was able to publish my promo quickly. I guess I knew that this was important, so I saved a local copy of the page (screen shot below): home page, screenshot 9/11/01
We later pulled off all the advertising, including that "Sign on a Friend" text promo, but that hadn't happened yet.

A short time later, we got the word to evacuate and go home. The parking garage was chaotic, and after a few minutes, I just decided to stay; I wasn't trying to be stoic -- I just didn't see the point of going home (sorry, Jeff K. -- he was my boss at the time.)

I headed up to the AOL Newsroom, found a empty cube with a view of the TV and set up. Looking back, I was just glad to be keeping busy, even if it was ultimately just updating a few lines of text and some photos on a Web page. It kept me from staring at the events on the TV.

I remember at one point, Steve Case came in; he called us all into the News conference room, thanked us for being there and told us keep doing our jobs.

The rest of the day was kind of a blur. We were hearing all kinds of stories -- car bomb at the State Dept., the USA Today building had been hit (it turned out to be smoke from the Pentagon across the river).

Eventually, I went home. I didn't sleep well.

The next few days were all about trying to keep up with the flow of information, and to get it out there. This included a request from Pentagon public information folks to add contact info to the main page, which we did, gladly (the Pentagon is only about 30 miles from here -- lots of folks who work there live in the area): home page section, screenshot post 9/11/01

Like I said, it was just pushing words and pictures around, but I later figured out that a few hundred thousand folks, maybe more, had clicked through to the news and help resources that we'd linked to. Sure, they would have gotten it from somewhere else, but it made me feel less useless.

When the weekend came, I went with a friend of mine to a temporary Salvation Army distribution center that they'd set up in Alexandria to help support the rescue and recovery efforts at the Pentagon. We just wanted to do something concrete, even if it was just taking shopping bags of donations from people and putting them in the right spot in a warehouse so they could be packed up and shipped out.

There were more a lot more people than they needed, people who just wanted to help. They didn't turn anyone away.

I knew what I was doing was just busy work, but it was gratifying to see so many people who wanted to help, and so many people who were donating stuff. That's one of the things that I want to remember most -- people wanted to help.


I think that for this 5-year anniversary of 9/11, there's a reemphasis on remembering what happened that day. Maybe it's because of the movies that have come out recently, or the troops abroad at war. Here are a few things that are going on around the Web and blogosphere:

* The 2,996 Project is a tribute to the victims of 9/11, where volunteer bloggers are posting memorials for each one of the 2,996 victims. They've already gotten at least one blogger for each memorial, and they're going around again.

AOL Journalers participating in the project include Andi, Raven, Gigi, Donna, Jackie, Delaine, Barbara, midmofreeper, Christine, Kathy, Nat, Cindy, Millie, Kathy; there are a bunch of others -- many will be posting their tributes on Monday.

* Al Tompkins over at Al's Morning Meeting takes a look at how some of the changes felt immediately after 9/11 did or didn't last over the long term.

* AOL Book Maven blogger Bethanne Patrick highlights some of the books about 9/11

* As I mentioned, you can use the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine to search to find Web pages before, during and after 9/11 (or most other dates after 1996).

* You can remember 9/11 by donating over at Network for Good; also, you can make a pledge to help via (you can also check out profiles for on both AIM Pages and MySpace.

* Also, search for more blog content on 9/11 on blog search engines, Technorati, AOL Journals, Feedster and Sphere.

I'll be updating this entry with more links and resources, so please feel free to leave me a link in the comments.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

You know, I don't think anyone will ever forget what they were doing that day. You even remember "small" details about that day.

Anonymous said...

That day is burned permanently (no pun intended) into all our minds as clear as the day it happened.  Surreal as they call it.....painful.....angry...hopeful.
Sharon –

Anonymous said...

Everyone has their own 911 story...thanks for sharing yours.



Anonymous said...

I am also participating in the 2996 memorials and would be glad to have you stop by and leave a comment...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your story Joe.  I was thinking...if I thought about day one in the Iraq war, I can remember the day but not all that I did that day. When Hurricane Katrina hit, I remember the day but not all that I did that day. When I think about 911, I have exact details of my entire day. I dont know if that is true for everyone else but I have no memory loss about anything that day.

Anonymous said...

I regret not to have heard about the 2 996 project. I'd love to have taken part in it. I'll surely be visiting those who have blogs and are taking part...
I really enjoyed reading this post Joe, especially this one, more you read more you want to read... I have no memory at all of what I was doing that day which was a normal day for me... only heard about it in the late evening news I think... and even if it feels like I have missed to be there with every one ... I am also ok with not having been aware of it when it actually happened... too long to explain here :D but I really enjoyed reading this from you - keep writing, I'll continue visiting - cheers

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that Joe.

Anonymous said...

Great entry Joe thankyou ,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Ok, having prob with it won't let me edit! GRRRR
And I'm using the Tech tags, but not showing up on the lists???

Anonymous said...

Sugar -- I left a comment in your blog with some suggestions re: comments and edits.  Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...

Thanks for promoting the 2,996 project again, Joe.  Several of the tributes are already posted.  

By Tuesday, We'll be opening a blog roll to permanently link all victim tributes.  The blog roll will be non-commercial, a-political and "tribute specific."

Anonymous said...

I am pretty new to J/Land and I am trying to follow with interest as many topics in journals as I possibly can.Never will anyone world wide forget that day, I am sure.Me for one anyway.It is etched insid emy head as thugh yesterday.Interesting entry.I will be back.Take care God Bless You.Regards .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not sure exactly why the button for the journal archive didn't work but when I clicked it didn't work.
I am also curious how do we see the past journal pages of our favorites, or yours or our own  AOL Journals once they go off in where they go when they no longer on the list?

Anonymous said...

Joe -

Here's my recollections of that day


Anonymous said...

I havn't had a chance to post my play by play memory yet but I did post a video I made and uploaded to UnCut in my blog.. a tribute of sorts.

Anonymous said...

Memories of that dreadful day will never be forgotten.  We in England are also taking part in the 2,996 project, I am very proud to have been assigned a gentleman called Abner Morales. Doing the tribute to him moved me to tears. The thoughts of the UK are with you all today.

Anonymous said...

Joe, that should read all of us in the UK and not just England.  I have visited many of the links you have provided.  Thank you. If you get the time perhaps you would care to read my tribute

Anonymous said...


Your rememberance is touching. A lot of the same sort of rumors were floating around here in Atlanta. Many people were afraid of something happening to our military bases which are scattered all over metro-Atlanta. We didn't know what was true and what was just junk. It was scary--but not nearly as scary as what you must have experienced. Thanks for sharing.

I participated in the 2,966 Project:

and I can say that it has truly connected me to the happenings at the WTC more than anything else I've ever seen, read, or heard. Suddenly, there is a face to the many people who were killed on the upper floors of the towers. This experience has caused me to re-live the feelings of fear, anger, and deep sorrow I felt on September 11th.

God bless!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I posted my 2996 entry on Saturday because I wouldn't have time to get it done on Monday. That was thoughtful that you volunteered to help out the way you did. Bea

Anonymous said...


What you did may have been busy work, but I am sure it helped you immeasurably...

Thank you...

be well,