Thursday, July 27, 2006

Journals R7 Release Installed, Plus Entry Alerts Status

Hi folks -- the Journals team reports that the Journals R7 release was successfully installed during the early morning install window earlier today.

They also report that there's a problem with new Entry Alerts currently not working due to the install. The team has decided to leave R7 in production while they work on the fix -- they know what the problem is and it's a high priority. [Update: 7/28: The New Entry Alerts have been fixed. -- Joe] Sorry for any inconvenience.

As I blogged earlier, here are the primary changes you'll see in R7:
  • Mobile Blogging (Moblogging): Moblogging is the ability to update your Journal from a mobile device (like a cell phone); currently you can send text and pictures; in the mid-August update, you'll be able to send video,too.

    Moblogging works exactly the same as I mentioned in my Moblogging Beta entry, except you don't have to go to the beta to use it.

    Even if you don't plan on posting from a cell phone, note that moblogging uses a special e-mail address to post to your blog -- this means you can update your Journal using e-mail, from anything that can send e-mail -- it doesn't just have to come from your phone.

    This also means that you can share the address with other people, who will then be able to post to your blog -- obviously, you'll want to be careful with this.

  • Embedded Video from YouTube and UnCut Video: Again, it's just like it was in beta, except better, since you no longer have to edit the YouTube HTML, and UnCut Video has autoplay turned off. Here are the instructions for embedding YouTube video -- you just don't have to go to the beta anymore, it will work in your regular Journal. Also, we'll get the instructions for embedding UnCut video up soon.

  • Woohoo Slideshows: As I blogged yesterday, you can now embed Woohoo slideshows into your Journals. Full instructions are pending -- note that this current test version requires that you have an AIM Page profile with a photo module.

  • User-Friendly Entry URLs: Instead of just being a number, the new URLs for individual entries include the date posted, plus the title of your entry. For example, the direct link URL for this entry is:

    This makes it a lot easier to see what an entry is about from the hyperlink, plus it should also improve how AOL Journals entries show up in search engine results.

    The new URLs are also longer than they were before, so keep that in mind.
As noted, we'll be busy over here updating all the relevant instructions, and we'll also keep you updated on the new Entry Alerts status.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Yay Joe and TeamTech.  Now... how 'bout some new skins, huh?  Pretty please?  Our blogs are getting all the goodies, but the basic layout is still blah compared to the competitors.

Anonymous said...

hey wats good my journal is lame but yours iz kwl hit me up liltrulz  peace !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful...I'm looking for help and I get 7/27/06 blog. Good going!

Anonymous said...

Jimsulliv3 -- perhaps if you tell me what particular problem you're having, I can help you. -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...

I still am not getting any alerts..
Please advise.
Thank you.