Monday, July 31, 2006

Editor Joe: On Strike

Journaler Dpoem of The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind reports that at some point (I'm guessing with the R7 release), we got the capability to use the strikethrough HTML tag.

This is what you couldn't previously do strikethrough does.

The strikethrough tag is a carryover from the pre-correcting typewriter days and is deprecated by the HTML powers-that-be, but people like it because it provides a visual way to retain earlier information that has been corrected or otherwise superceded.

I'm not sure why we got it, as I doubt it was on any official feature lists, but please feel free to enjoy using it.

To use the strikethrough tag, just make sure you're in HTML mode (that is, the little dropdown in the formatting bar says "HTML", not "Text" -- this shows you the HTML tags that make your Journal entry look and act the way it does) and type the following:

<strike>text you want struck-through</strike>

After you hit save (or switch back the Text view), you should see this:

text you want struck-through

Using Strikethrough in HTML Mode

I have updated my entry about HTML allowed in Journals (which is linked from my All About Me area) to reflect this.

(On an unrelated issue, note the colon in this entry's title. This highlights the importance of punctuation, since without it, the meaning of the words changes dramatically.)

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

very cool!!! I always wanted to know how to do that!!!! Tawnya

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually... and I'm most likely wrong about this.... I think you've been able to do that for awhile.