Thursday, July 6, 2006

Blogger John Invades Boston!

Hi folks -- sorry, my blogging today got sidelined due to other work. I am catching up as quick as I can.

In the meantime, I just published the promo on the AOL Journals main page for blogger John's latest Weekend Assignment about Boston.

Normally, for the accompanying photo in the promo, I take the image that John uses to illustrate his entry.

However, in this case, I didn't think that very many folks would be able to identify that section of the Boston skyline by itself (especially in the version that I do for the People Connection main page promotion, which will be live on Friday). So I jazzed it up a bit:

Blogger John Invades Boston

Naturally, the PC Main version's headline is "Newsflash: Blogger Invades Boston!"

Oh, and a piece of unsolicited advice for John: According to the Urban Dictionary entry  for "beantown", only tourists, TV reporters and sportswriters call it Beantown (I guess it's like "Frisco.")

[Content Note: UrbanDictionary is all about user-submitted and user-voted definitions for slang; many of them are profane, vulgar, or even obscene. It's still a useful reference, though.]

Thanks -- Joe

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"The Bean" works, but only with local blacks.