Monday, June 12, 2006

Journals R6 Release Is "Go" for Launch, 6/13, 4am ET

Hi folks -- hope you had a good weekend. Here's the current status of the Journals R6 Release, which I mentioned last week: We are a GO for launch, so R6 will be installed tomorrow morning, Tuesday, June 13, from 4AM-6AM ET.

Journals will be unavailable during this time.

Here is status on specific items:
  • We're in Beta: The Journals tech team pushed the R6 changes to beta early this morning. As is normal with this kind of thing, there were some glitches, but the Journals team got it up and out there.

    To see the beta, just add "beta." to the beginning of the Journal's address; for example, my live blog's address is:

    The beta version of my Journal is located at:

    Note that changes to your beta Journal will be reflected in your real, live Journal (for example, I'm posting this entry via the beta, so you can see... well, keep reading), so be careful or create a test Journal to play around with.

    Some of the features you'll see in beta include the new Journals header (with the Journals Search entry field), the tagging beta test for Microsoft Internet Explorer, and the ability to embed tables in entries, like this one:

    New FeatureWhat It Does
    TablesLets you use tables in entries. Like this one.

  • Ad Banners for International Journals: The business teams for Germany, France and the UK have decided to not add ad banners to the top of International Journals. However, as of this writing, Mexico and Canada will be getting the ad banners in R6 (although this is still being looked at).
We'll keep you updated as we get more info.

Thanks -- Joe

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Anonymous said...

bleh, leave well enough alone!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe,
  Here is a piece of information for you to pass along the line. I just looked at the beta version of my journal:
There was an ad at the top. There was no search box in the header. Also notoriously missing were edit controls. There were no edit controls. I looked for a sign-in link, but there wasn't one of those either, so I had no recourse.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Joe, I have a few suggestions regarding the R6 Release, and all this does is make me yearn for R7. I see AOL Journals to be one of AOL's best Web 2.0 products, but we just aren't there yet.

Here's my suggestions:
- Covert the default format to have XHTML 1.1 Compliance. This compliance is better for the web, better to help anyone on any type of browser to properly display the site. Besides, what's cooler than having a large blog-portal that is (Mostly) W3C Compliant?

- Abandon Tables. Tables are meant for tabular data, such as reports or comparisons one makes in a blog post. Not what most people will utilize it for, like pictures or whatnot. The alternative to tables are properly coded DIV tags

- Cosmetic Page Slugs (AKA, Search Engine Friendly URL's). I notice the webserver is ran on Apache. This can be nice for the developers to permit Mod_Rewrite. The benefits for both Members and the Journals business, is higher visibility, higher ranking, on search engines abroad. Not to mention " is better than "".

~ Joseph Manna ~
"Happenings" -

Anonymous said...

(Cont'd from previous comment...)

- Transition the method of advertising (by choice or force) to Contextual advertising. I believe the PPC ratios of relevant text ads are higher, not to mention user loyalty to advertisements. Contextual ads via Google's AdSense would coincide with AOL's Advertising practices, and Google's Ad Guidelines would be appropriate for all visitors of all ages. Contextual Ads, would also benefit search engine ranking hence, more hits, more views to the AOL Journaler's blogs; and thus, more pennies in AOL's pocket.  Oh, and I'm sure the bloggers themselves would be more content with related blog content ads, rather than a large blinking Home Financing one.

- A restructured Search Box, and AOL Login integration. I see the main heading for AOL Main, Mail, IM, etc along with the AOL HAT Login (the little bubble thing). Why not, just modify that accordingly, and take LESS of the user's space? I mean space alone with the ads take a large 418px from the top of the page to the content.

I see a lot of room to improve, and remain competitive against other successful blogging services. I'd like to start seeing this changes being employed. I love AOL Journals, and will be happy to report in the success when I see us (AOL) reap it in. Go Developers! Go AOL Journals! Thanks again for letting us see the progress AOL Journals is making, and letting us share our feedback. :)

~ Joseph Manna ~
"Happenings" -

Anonymous said...

Heh heh. Anyone up for Blogger? No? How 'bout Wordpress?


Anonymous said...

I think these upgrades sound awesome!

Anonymous said...

Bad Anners may soon end up like cruise ship registry, in that it'll end up that the only place you can skirt the Law is some backwater like AOL Liberia

Anonymous said...

Well, I have ad banners. Still no spell check, though. Also, no new header with journals search box, either. Also, when I go to the beta version of my journal, there are still no edit controls, so I have no idea if the tagging beta is there, or if it works.

Anonymous said...


*** SOS ***

The YGP images don't show on the UK blogs. I've checked on my own and several others, and anything uploaded on YGP returns an error message. Please help!

Anonymous said...

I like the new search bar. It pulled up every article in my journal that had that word in it. Now I can find an entry when I need to look back for something.

Anonymous said...

Joe, part of my journal's description is appearing above the ads. I've emailed you about it with an image of how my journal seems to be a coding error of some sort.

Anonymous said...


SOS again: can only access UK journals through the AOL server. What's happening???

Anonymous said...

Gabbly has been added to the list of accepted Iframes, but I just tried to use an Iframe code from Gabbly in my test blog and it didn't show up.