Thursday, May 4, 2006

You Picked Bananas, So Here's a Better (?) Way to Peel Them

Journals Editor Joe With a Banana

Okay, here it is; as picked by your votes, here's a trifling little entry about a better way to peel bananas. (Don't worry, I will be getting to the more useful entries, all in good time.)

The banana story was going around the big ole sphere o' blogs earlier this year (for example, see  here in BoingBoing from back in January). It was one of those memes (basically, an idea that grows legs) that popped up and then faded away pretty quickly.

There's not really that much to it -- instead of peeling it from the stem side, pinch it and peel it from the not-stem side:

Journals Editor Starts Peeling the Banana From the Other End
Here, I'm pinching the banana. Note the stem is at the bottom.

Journals Editor Joe Continues Peeling the Banana
Once you get it started, it's pretty much the same as peeling it the other way.

Journals Editor Joe Holds the Peeled Banana
Here I am holding the peeled banana by the stem, which makes for a convenient handle.

Now, this is not really a new thing. Here's a Slate article from 2002 about it, that gets pretty deep into the pros and cons of peeling from each end. (Pro: Monkeys peel bananas this way. Con: Er, monkeys peel bananas this way.)

Also, here's another Web page from 2001, that uses the banana-peeling as an example for all sorts of tortured analogies about paradigm shifts and the like.

Personally, I think it's kind of amusing, and it's nice to use the stem as a handle, but I don't feel strongly about it either way. It's a useful alternative in case the stem won't break cleanly.

Try it for yourself and see.

On a photo note, I had to ask a cow-orker of mine to take the photos (since obviously, both of my hands were occupied).

Thanks -- Joe

Tag: ,


Anonymous said...

LOL and you get paid for this?

Anonymous said...

that banana is too brown!! ALL bananas make me VERY ill!

Anonymous said...

Julie -- If you think that the pictured banana is too brown, and you say that bananas make you ill, I would suggest that perhaps it is because the bananas you have eaten in the past were too green. -- Joe

Anonymous said...

At least no trees died to make this entry.

Anonymous said...

Are you joking? Guess I am out of it.

Anonymous said...

LOL- where do you come up with this stuff?

Anonymous said...

What an appeeling post! Thanks for this. I am a total banana fan and I had no idea that I was doing it wrong!!!!


Anonymous said...

PUT THE BANANA DOWN AND STEP AWAY!!! LoL You never know what's going to happen in that pod of yours.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know, I will have to try that...and that banana looks YUMMY. I like bananas when they are brown like that, they're much sweeter that way. :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

Noooo, it's THE ATHEISTS' NIGHTMARE!!!!11eleventy-one. Take it away, I can't bear to look. It proves the existence of G-d, and shows everybody just how wrong I am. Although, you can't peel it from the wrong end like that. It goes against G-d. Take care lest you lose your immortal soul.
(you only need to watch from about the 2:30 mark to about the 4:30 mark to understand what I'm talking about)

Anonymous said...

Dang. I really need to get a job at AOL.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating!!  Do you have a good receipe for banana bread?!  Julie :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no...... Bananas in Pyjamas - now they are naked !!!

Anonymous said...

ok so that is kinda cool.. I'm going to have to see if I like that way more.. than the usual way.. :) Oh and the bracelets are kinda cool too..

Anonymous said...

in undergrad school, our dance troop hosted a group from russia.  most all the kids and adults peeled their bananas from the non-stem side.  it tends to be less messy and easier, esp if the banana isn't fully ripe.  grins, debra