Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Mediocre Directors Blog, Too!

So, if you're like me, you often find yourself wondering: What does director Michael Bay do when he's not out creating artistically-arid but commercially-successful summer blockbusters?

Well, wonder no more: You'll be happy to know he blogs about creating artistically-arid but commercially-succesful summer blockbusters.

Any child of the 80s worth his or her salt or giant robot geek (that's a person whose geekiness includes knowledge of giant robots, not a giant, robotic geek, which would be extra-scary) knows that Bay is currently at the helm of the live-action Transformers movie, which is due next summer.

These same 80s children/geeks are shaking in both anticipation and fear, since given his previous body of work... well, it could go either way. But, there should be lots of explosions, as well as a high-level of military involvement, as Michael Bay himself says in his blog.

You can also check out Bay laying the smackdown on some movie rumors that have floating around out in the big ole sphere o' blogs, and see what else he's been up to.

Also, see some fan and fanboy reactions (a fanboy is a special kind of overheated fan, most usually male) in the Digg thread where I originally saw the item about Bay's blog.

Thanks -- Joe

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Anonymous said...

cool.. Transfomers.. more than meets the eye lol

Anonymous said...
