Wednesday, May 3, 2006

A List of Lists (Because Everyone Loves Lists)

Hi folks -- for your hump day (FYI: link goes to UrbanDictionary, which can get kind of raunchy) amusement, here are a few recent listy-things I've seen going around the usual blogs and bloggy Web sites:

* The folks over the Onion AV Club present their "Why Bother?" 2006 Summer Movie Preview (note: if you don't like swearing, you should probably skip the preview of Snakes on a Plane -- other than that, it's okay). It's an alternate take on what's going to hit screens this summer, complete with suggested alternate activities.

* Continuing's 10 year-anniversary (where the entire site is free -- see guys, when your content is free, people will read it, talk about it, and link to it!), they have an article on the Best (that is, worst) Duds from the Dotcom Boom/Bust (Otherwise known as Bubble 1.0. That's a joke referencing Web 2.0. It's not that funny.)

As a veteran of the first dotcom bust, I have plenty of my own examples I would add to the list, but I will just go weep over my portfolio now. (Link via Slashdot)

* BusinessWeek has a nice little article/gallery of product designs that have stood the test of time. It's not just high-tech stuff like the iPod -- they include the Bic lighter and Kikkoman soy sauce bottle designs, too. (via

* Lastly (I forget where I saw this), Forbes has a list (with slide show gallery) of the coolest beers from around the world.

Online discussions of favorite beers usually devolve into accusations of beer snobbery on one side and references to "having sex in a canoe" on the other (sorry, if you don't know it, I'm not going to explain that last bit); suffice it to say, personal taste is personal taste. I'm not one for the super hoppy beers, but as they say, everything in moderation (including moderation).

Actually, this is sort of a segue into my next entry, which you will hopefully see in a little bit. Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

You should drink wine.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joe,
While you are sipping your wine, and listening to your lovely music, could you advise me as to the problems I am having with my journal, of which I only wanted to create one(1) not two(2), but thanks for letting me know that I had, indeed, created two(2) by mistake.  I have lost all of the written entrances to my blog, except the one small notation that I made when I created it. The counter is gone all together.  I would really like to know how I lost the entrances.  There was one on Freedom, and a second one on contemplating the word, Freedom, and a third, that was a poem of sorts, because I was feeling poetic, on that day.....any thoughts that might help?   Enjoy your sipping.... MyrnaL.Cox-Lavinder/journal name

Anonymous said...

Hi Myrna -- I checked with the tech folks, who don't see any missing entries.

As I noted, you have two Journals:

* has one entry from 4/24 (and no hit counter)
* has 3 entries from 4/26, 5/1 and 5/3 (and a hit counter)

What I think happened is that you created two blogs by accident, and have been posting to the one blog when you meant to post to the other blog.

To remedy this, you can copy your entries from the blog you don't need, to the one you want to keep, then delete the blog you don't want anymore.

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)