Wednesday, April 19, 2006

MySpace on My Mind

Hi folks -- this week's edition of satirical newspaper The Onion riffs on a story that was in the news last week about how popular social network/blog provider MySpace is taking steps to calm nervous parents (and legislators) who are worried about the shenanigans that kids are getting into on the site.

The Onion provides its usual, er, unique take on the subject, in the form of an easily digestible infographic:

The Onion's MySpace Infographic

Check it out.

In other MySpace news, Mike Davidson, one of the founders of social news site Newsvine, takes a look at what designers and other folks interested in CSS can do to hack MySpace layouts to make them less eye-bleedingly hideous ("Hack" is used in the traditional sense of the word, which means getting under the hood of something and tweaking it to do something the way you want it to work.)

There's a whole cottage industry around creating and selling customized MySpace layouts; some are great, some are okay, and some of them are really, really bad. 

Now, of course, that's just my opinion -- keep in mind that I'm a decade or two outside of the MySpace target demographic and ultimately, neither my nor anyone else's opinion matters when it comes to issues of taste -- only the opinion of the person whose blog it is matters.

Anyway, Mr. Davidson is trying to make it easier for people to muck around with CSS and their MySpace layouts to make elegant and useful layouts, so he's identified some of the "rules" that will help CSS folks write clean code that works.

(Incidentally, I found that link via, which is another one of those Web 2.0 sites; it cherry-picks the top articles of other social sharing and link sites -- in this case, the article came from social bookmark sharing site

For our part, in the coming weeks, we'll be talking about stuff that you'll be able to do to customize your own Journals layouts, without being a CSS guru.

There's also some other stuff that isn't really directly related to Journals that's pretty cool, but I can't talk about that right now.

Thanks -- Joe

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Anonymous said...

MySpace has a lot of work to do when it comes to privacy features. For example, they have no setting to fix it so only friends can send you messages! I received three pages of messages one day from strangers, wanting to know "where I got my page's layout"..I made it! I eventually found a workaround so that those not on my friends list cannot message me, but I still think that there should be a setting built in and lots more privacy features.

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

Try not to put "cherry picking" in an article about teens and sexual predators. It scans and Googles poorly.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,
  I asked John this question, but his resounding silence on the matter indicates he's probably waiting for more information before saying anything, so I thought I'd go to the source. He mentioned that is one of the approved sites for use with the new <iframe> tag. I want to know how one would use those two together. Any illumination available?

Anonymous said...

Hi -- statcounter is on the whitelist now, but there's nothing you can really use in an IFRAME. We need to update the messaging on that page -- the whitelist is going to be used for more than just IFRAMES, but right now, you can't really do anything with Statcounter in IFRAMES.

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...

I read that AOL is soon to launch a MySpace killer... whatever it is, I can't wait. :0)


Anonymous said...

That is the ONE AND ONLY thing that I have been waiting for with AOL J's...MORE have had the same 'Ole colors and options since AOL J's first started Out...It's time To get with the times, Give us more Colors, More options, maybe even templates ect. Cannot Wait!