His essay is entitled, "No Opinions? No Problem," and works for any topic that you might otherwise have to bluff your way through.
I for one, welcome our non-opinion-holding overlords. (Read the column to see what technique that was.)
Actually, that kind of reminds me of an article I have posted on my cubicle wall: Things to Say When You're Losing a Technical Argument:
You'll also see another clipping next to it -- it's an article from the Wall Street Journal that I've been toting around since 1994, entitled "They Laughed When I Sat Down to Write."
It's all about how people can take tips from direct mail pitches (you know, junk mail -- the paper kind), to spice up their memos and other writing.
Unfortunately, it's only available online in the Wall St. Journal's paid archives, so you'll have to go to your local library if you want to read it (written by Phil Theibert in "Manager's Journal" column of the April 11, 1994 WSJ).
Just a few notes from my living archives.
Thanks -- Joe
"If we go with that idea, we're going to have Don Marti camped out in the front lobby with 300 angry software jihad supporters. "
*ahem* great idea.. where is your lobby? cuz I am still not happy about the ads lol
I've written a few times about all-purpose comments posted to my fiction blog, including
are you serious?
Not bad.
There are different opinions on this subject.
These might have passed for actual comments, had the first and third ones made the slightest bit of sense in the context of a fantasy serial installment. For most blogs, these would have passed as real, opinion-free comments. I never did figure out their purpose, since the commenter(s) had no valid account when I went looking for them.
Dear Joe,
Oh no! I feel like a huge nerd!
I just Googled the "Things to Say When Losing a Technical Argument" piece. I understood what over half of them actually meant.
All I'm missing is a pocket protector.
Shoot me. Please?
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