Friday, August 5, 2005

New Guest Editor's Picks for 8/5

Hi everybody. As posted in the Journals Message Board, our new Guest Editor for this week (and her picks) are up on the Journals Main Page:

Guest Editor Stacey

Assuming the Guest Editor duties this week is Stacey; her blog is High Above Courtside, and here is her her blog entry, where she talks about her top picks and more:

* Help Shari Kurzrok
* I Think You're Wild When You Flash That Fragile Smile
* Pfft
* Halo's Recipes
* Calling the Shots
* Dad's Tomato Garden

I wrote in the message boards, Stacey is a sports blogger, but covers a
broad range of interests in her blog picks, so I unilaterally decided
that the theme of her picks was "smurfy", since that's also one of her nicknames.

On a somber note, looking through the message boards, I saw that one of Stacey's featured bloggers, the young Beth, keeper of I Think You're Wild When You Flash That Fragile Smile, lost her father this week; our deepest condolences go out to her.

about it for this week. As always, there's a bunch of stuff in the
pipeline, but a lot of it has nebulous dates so I'll get into things
specifically when I have more to convey. Oh, and that includes a run-in
with the mainstream media that happened this afternoon.

Thanks, and have a great weekeknd. -- Joe



Anonymous said...

Pretty girl...

Anonymous said...

Stock values dropped like a wharf girl at MSN and Yahoo during my week running the show. Give me 4 hours of Welcome Screen a day, and you'll merit a Sherman Anti-Trust Act lawsuit in no time t'all.